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Asura walked slowly through the hall of Hogwarts. He was bored at the manor because Tom was dealing with death eaters, and Lucius was working at the ministry. He paused in his tracks as the bell rang and students started to fill the hall.

Many of them spared him glances, and some girls batted their eyes at him, but he ignored them all. Looking at him, looking at his watch, he saw that it was lunchtime. Turning on his heels, he headed towards the great hall.

When he got there, he looked around until his eyes landed on the blonde he was looking for. Making his way over, he plopped down beside Draco, who jumped at his sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?" the blonde asked, shocked.

"I was bored at the manor; my mates are working, and so are Tom and my father," He pouted, and Draco shook his head.

"You were bored, and you decided to come to school?" He asked, raising a brow, and Asura nodded, grabbing a piece of pie and putting it on this plate.

Feeling eyes on him, Draco looked up to see the entire great hall looking at them, including the teacher's table. "Ignore them," Asura said, not even looking up as he stuffed the pie in his face.

"Draco," Pansy whispered loudly as she shoved over the Slytherin sitting next to Draco and sitting down, Blaise accompanying her. "Whose that?" She asked, eyeing Asura, who ignored her.

"He's a friend of my father and Severus," Draco replied, knowing he couldn't tell her anything that would reveal Asura's identity. They had agreed it would stay hidden as long as possible.

"But what's his name? How old is he? How come I've never seen him before? Is he single?" She asked, and a sigh was heard as Asura placed his fork down.

"Ms. Parkinson, Your questions are quite irritating while I'm trying to eat," he said as he turned to look at her. "All you need to know about me is that I am an ally," he said as his eyes turned to the teacher's table and smirked. The three who were looking at him turned to see their potion master sitting down.

'Severus~' Asura called through their link, and the man's head snapped up. They haven't used their link yet; having spent all weekend together, they didn't need to. He watched as onyx eyes looked through the crowd of students until they landed on him, and he smirked, 'Hey there, beautiful,' He said through the link, and Severus blinked before standing up and hurriedly leaving the hall.

"Excuse me," Asura said, standing and exiting the hall. He made his way through the large doors and headed towards the dungeons. He caught up with the vampire just as he got to the entrance of his office.

"Professor," He whispered as he pressed himself against the man, who gasped and spun around to face him.

"What are you doing here?" Severus asked as Asura buried his nose in his neck, and Severus hesitantly wrapped his arms around him.

"I was bored and came to visit Draco," Asura answered as his hand massaged the man's waist. He pulled his face from his neck and looked at his mate, only to frown. "When was the last time you fed?" he asked, seeing the slight hint of red in his eyes.

"A w-week," Severus answered, and Asura sighed. He pulled away from Severus, opened the office door, and pulled him inside. He moved to the desk and sat in one of the chairs placed in front before pulling the other man down on his lap.

"Drink," He ordered, leaving no space for argument, and Severus's eyes flashed red before he leaned forward and sank his fangs into Asura's neck.

The small male grunted as the fangs pierced his skin, and he started to feel the pleasure of his mate drinking from him. A few minutes later, Severus pulled away and gasped.

"Oh, Merlin, are you alright? I drank for too long," He exclaimed, and Asura hummed, moving his hand to run it through the potion master's hair.

"It's fine, Sev; losing a little blood won't affect me. I'm Death's son. I don't need any blood in me to survive," He reassured the vampire on his lap. The bell rang, and Severus hurriedly stood and gathered the papers he needed for his lessons.

"Will you be staying?" He asked Asura as he paused at the door that led to his classroom.

Asura stood and literally strutted over to the man before kissing him on the lips. "I'll be in your quarters if you need me," He said before he disappeared, leaving a flustered Severus to go teach his class.

Meanwhile, back at the manor with Tom

Tom sat on the library couch, his eyes closed and his head thrown back. He had finished his work and decided to relax before everyone returned from wherever they went.

He felt a bony finger run over his neck and sighed. The finger moved to where he had the mark on his neck, and he paused. Opening his eyes, Tom looked up at death in his true form. A skeleton in a raggedy ripped hooded gown and deep, dark, soulless holes where eyes should be.

Death moved slowly, his head tilted from side to side, and his fingers kept tracing the same mark on Tom's neck over and over. "We need to talk about that," the brunette man said as the skeletal figure moved its hand away from his neck and ran it up to his cheek.

Death pulled away, and its dark, hollow eyes started to swirl and turn red-orange. Skin started to appear over the skeleton until Azreal stood before him. "Hey," the ravenette said, as Tom just stared at him. "Sorry about the mark," he said as he sat on the opposite end of the couch.

"You didn't ask to mark me," Tom replied as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.

"That's because I didn't mean to, " Azreal said, and Tom's breath hitched, but he stayed silent. "I didn't expect you to get my mark, and it must have appeared after I left because I didn't see it before I left. But don't worry I can remove it," Azreal finished and Tom sucked in a breath.

"Remove it?" He asked, and Azrael nodded.

"Yeah, I only mark people I plan to mate with," Azreal said, and Tom blinked at him.

"I see," Tom said, his heart squeezing tightly.

Just then, the floo flared, and Lucius stumbled through. Tom looked up at him and gaped. The blonde man had a long gash across his chest and a few bruises on his face. "Lucius," Tom exclaimed as he jumped up, wrapped his arm around the blonde, and brought him to the couch.

"What happened?" Tom asked, laying his friend down on the couch. When Lucius didn't answer, he looked at Azrael. Can you get me some healing salve from my office in my top drawer?" he asked, and Azrael shook his head.

"Asura will heal him," He said before he smoked away.


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Word count: 1162

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 1 pm

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