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Name change for Harry

Asura woke up with a slight hint of pain, being the son of death. It was something he never felt before. But being a 'human' for eighteen years and then changing back was surely painful for him. He groaned as he sat up.

"Papa is going to kill me," He mumbled and jumped when he heard a voice behind him.

"Damn right, I am," It said, and Asura flipped around to see Azreal standing there. "I told you this was a bad idea, but you didn't listen to me. Because now you're 700 years old, you can do whatever you want to. Do you know how it felt to watch you go through all that, but I couldn't do anything because you made me promise?" The older man lectured, and Asura had the decency to blush and look guilty.

"I'm sorry, Papa," he mumbled, pouting at Azreal, who glared at him but sighed before pulling him into his arms.

"You are never doing something like that again; you could be 1700 years old and mated. I will stop you from doing something stupid like this again," He said, burying his face in his son's hair.

They pulled away, and Asura looked around the room. "Where's Tom?" he asked, a little disappointed that the man wasn't there to greet him when he woke up.

"He got called away on an emergency meeting," Azreal said as he stood from the bed where he sat beside Asura. "We can go to him if you want; I am sure he would be happy to see you are awake and not screaming in pain," He said, and Asura quickly stood, grinning, Happy to go to Tom. They looked at each other before they disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Tom sat in the office at Malfoy Manor. Lucius had called him early, stating that Severus had given him an important message for their Lord. Turns out, the Order of the Phoenix had finally found out that their little savior had been missing. They were in a panic to find him and had requested Severus return as a spy, which he told them he couldn't because he didn't know where Tom was.

"My Lord?" Lucius said, "D-do you have the boy?" He asked, and Tom opened his mouth to answer when he felt the temperature in the room drop.

He looked up to see Azreal standing behind Lucius. "What are you doing here? Did you leave him alone?" Tom asked, sitting forward.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to see a younger, smaller version of Azreal standing there. "Asura," He gasped, standing up and pulling the boy into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm fine, Tom," Asura said as they pulled away. Asura looked at the blond who was standing in the room, confused.

Tom turned to see what he was staring at, having forgotten the man was already in the room. "Right, Asura. I'm sure you know Lucius Malfoy," Tom said and watched as Asura slowly walked towards Malfoy, who stood there gaping at him.

Asura stopped in front of Lucius, gently took his hand, and kissed the back of it. "Well," he practically purred. "Aren't you a lovely sight?" he said to the platinum-blonde man, who blushed furiously.

Lucius looked over Asura's shoulder at Tom, but Asura gripped his chin and made him look back at him. "Eyes over here, beautiful," he said at Lucius, who blinked owlishly at him before slowly retracting his hand and taking a slow step back.

"E-excuse me," the blonde said before practically running out of the room. Asura stood there staring at the door and turning to the other two.

"What was that?" Tom asked, frowning at the weird display he had just witnessed.

"I think I just found a potential mate," Asura said with a smirk, making Tom frown and look at the door the blonde disappeared through.


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Word count: 640

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 9:30 am

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