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Some time had passed, and the topic of mating had come up once or twice, but Asura had always found a way to avoid it, hoping the two wouldn't notice.

Which they did.

It was Severus's birthday, and he had begged and pleaded for his mates not to do anything for him that day besides spending some time with him. So, they planned a small trip to Diagon Alley, just the three of them.

They were sitting in the living room with Azreal and Tom, waiting for Asura to come so they could leave.

"Azreal," Severus started gaining Death's attention. "May I ask you something?" He asked, and Azreal nodded.

"It's Asura," the raven-haired man started. "Lucius and I keep bringing up the topic of mating, but he keeps blowing it off; why?" He asked, and Lucius nodded, wanting to know, too.

Azrael looked between the two and sighed. "Unlike me, Asura has never had a mate," the ancient man said, and the three others looked at him in shock. "Also, it might be the fact that he is a Dom/sub," he continued, and now they were gaping.

"He's a Dom/sub?" Lucius asked. He thought his mate was just a dom.

"All the deities are Dom/Sub. It makes it easier for us to find mates. However, some of us have a more dominant side than others; Asura and I are more dominant. But time, Kron, he is more submissive," Azreal answered. "Lucius, you're a Dom, aren't you?" He asked, and the man nodded. "Didn't you ever feel that he was a bit more submissive to you?" He asked, and Lucius shook his head.

"No, I just submitted to him fully," the blonde said. "He's always been the more dominant one." He finished, and Azreal nodded.

"Well, you'll have to figure it out with him," He said, "I don't know why he didn't tell you. It's not that much of a secret," He said, and Tom glared at him.

"I didn't know about you," He stated, and Azreal gave him a wide smile, making the man roll his eyes.

"I'm ready," Asura said, walking into the room. Everyone turned to look at him. "What? Did I miss something?" he asked, confused.

"How come you never told us you were a Dom/Sub?" Severus asked, and Asura glared at Death.

"I don't think it was important," he sighed deeply. "I just wanted to be in control. After not having any control over anything for the last seventeen years, I just didn't want to submit," he said.

"I understand, but it would have been nice to know before I submitted," Lucius said, and Asuras' eyes flashed.

"Are you saying you wouldn't have submitted if you had known I was a Dom/Sub?" He gritted out, and Lucius quickly shook his head.

"I just meant that I would have liked to see you in a submissive position," The blonde said quickly, and Severus huffed and muttered a quiet "Me too,"

Asura rolled his eyes at the two and smirked. "Don't worry; you'll get your wish soon enough," he said, walking over to the floo. "Are you coming?" he asked his two flushed mates, who sat frozen on the couch.

Both men quickly got up and rushed over to him, avoiding each other's eyes as they floo'ed out.


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Word count: 532

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 4 pm 

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