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Draco gapped at the scene before him.

He was sitting in the Great Hall having lunch when there was a commotion at the headmaster's table.

Looking over, he saw Dumbledore shaking uncontrollably in his seat as his skin turned black and rotten.

The teachers fluttered around him, trying to see what they could do to help, and the students were in a panic.

Reaching out with his bond, he sent a quick mental image to Asura to let him know what was happening, even though he was sure that the smirking Severus on the teacher's platform already had.

Suddenly, everyone in the room started to fade away, and people started to panic more.

Draco started to fade as well, but he didn't panic. The magic felt familiar; it felt like death.

When we reappeared, he noticed that he was standing in the middle of Diagon Alley. He frowned when he saw Death Eaters standing there, looking as confused as he was.

Two arms wrapped around him, and Draco leaned back to the smell of his mates.

Something appeared about six feet in the air and fell. People gasped when they saw Dumbledore land on the ground and started to murmur.

A skeleton appeared at the man's feet, and people yelped. Everyone besides those who knew the figure took a collective step back. "Dumbledore," the skeleton said, twirling its scythe. "I thought my visit was a wonderful warning, you know, to now go around trying to cast spells on those who are close to me, on those on the Dark side of the war, yet you tried to cast a curse on Snape," it hissed.

Dumbledore's only response was to gasp for breath, making the figure tilt its head to the side.

"I see," The skeleton said; using its scythe, it raised Dumbledor up in the air and held him there. "Start talking, begin from Gellert Grindelwald," It said, and Dumbledore started to talk, telling off all the wrong dead he had done.

Asura disappeared as he started to talk. Repeating behind where Tom, Lucius, and Severus were standing. "Now tell me," he said, staring at the three who turned and looked at him. "Isn't this better than getting his disgusting blood on your hands?" He asked, looking directly at Tom, who had rolled his eyes.

"I suppose," He mumbled, looking back at the man spilling his dirty little secrets.

Asura felt someone pressed against him, and a head of black hair was buried in his chest. Severus had become a bit clingy during the few weeks of finding out he was pregnant, not that either of his mates was complaining.

It was unsure how long they stood there listening to Dumbledor talk before he stopped. Then Asura went back to the middle of the crowd.

"As you can see," he said lazily, twirling the scythe. "You are fools, following someone because of simply what they said, because of the things they did in the past. No one has even bothered to question this goat when he came in blabbering about a new dark lord to be defeated. Let me tell you this: light or dark, there is always evil in both. Sometimes the dark has your best interest at heart while the light is just so manipulative," He finished.

He snapped his finger, and Dumbledore disappeared. He mentioned that Tom should come forward and let the man take over. He talked and got people on his side. Everyone was in the alley on his side by the time he was done.

Heading home, they all appeared in the living room. Hudson ran up to Severus when he saw him, and Rabastan followed behind.

The two have been spending time together ever since Hudson was brought back. Severus consistently said that the child knew both his parents and spent time with his father.

While Severus was occupied with Hudson, Asura turned to Tom. "There is a gift for you down in the dungeons," he said, and Tom raised a brow before nodding and heading down there.

A few minutes later, Asura was aware he had found it because of the pure glee he felt from the man.

"Let's relax for now," Lucius said, pulling Asura over to the couch and sitting down. "Everything is falling into place; magical Britain will soon be set right," He finished, and Asura nodded in agreement.


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Word count: 707

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 6:30 pm

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