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Asura smirked as he moved towards Severus, who stood there staring at him with a heavy blush on his face.

Asura slides a hand up his chest and around the back of his neck before pulling him into a deep kiss.

Severus wrapped his arms around his neck before pressing his body against Asura's. Lucius growled lightly at the sight of the two.

He shredded his outer robes, leaving him in slacks. He went over to the two and guessed them towards the bed.

Asura and Severus landed on the bed in a bunch of tangled limbs.

Lucius crawled off Asura and kissed his neck, causing him to groan and buck his hips. Asura pulled away from Severus and looked up at him; Lucius blinked down at him.

He was shocked to see the look of full submission in his eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I can bottom if you want," he suggested, and Asura shook his head.

"I was never going to top you, Luci Severus. I would, but not you," The brunette said, leaning up to connect their lips.

Lucius felt hands on his hips and eased up as they pulled down his pants. He kissed Asura's neck. He waved his hand and Asura's clothes disappeared, he licked down his chest and circled his tongue around the nipple of the other man causing him to moan loudly.

Lucius moved off the other and looked down at his dazed face. He looked up at Severus, who had gone over to the head of the bed after stripping his own clothes.

Asura crawled up the bed to Severus, making eye contact he lowered his mouth onto the other's cock and started sucking.

Severus moaned as he slid down the bed, Asura's finger played with his entrance, he felt a cold wet finger center him and gasped.

Asura was enjoying sucking off Severus when he felt Lucius spread his ass cheeks and lick his whole body, causing him to moan around Severus's cock, sending vibrations of pleasure through the vampire.

"Lucius," Asura gasped, getting on his knees and pulling his fingers out of Severus. He gripped the ravenette's thighs and pulled him down onto his back before lining up and thrusting into him in one swift movement.

"Fuck, Asura," Severus moaned out as he dug his nails into his forearms.

Lucius pushed Asura down until he lay flat against Severus. Then, he got on his knees and lined up before slowly slipping into the deity.

Lucius pulled out and slammed back in, causing both his mates to gasp and moan out.

"Luci," Asura gasped out, and Severus wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down, sinking his fangs into his neck, causing him to come in as he also marked him.

After a few more thrusts, Lucius pulled out, causing Asura to whimper. "Lay on your back," Lucius commanded, and Asura immediately obeyed, laying flat on his back.

Severus got on his knees, Asura's cum dripping out of his ass and down his thigh. "Come here," Lucius said, And Severus shuffled over to him.

"Suck him," he said, and the ravenette positioned himself between the brunette's legs and took his cock in his mouth. Lucius smirked as he moved behind the other man and entered his. "It feels so good to finally have you," he whispered as he started to fuck him.

Lucius came to him a few minutes later, marking him. Pulling out and flipping Severus onto his back. "Your turn to cum," Lucius whispered, and Asura looked over at them after having cum a second time.

"I'll make him cum," The God grinned and got on his knees over Severus. Taking his length in his hand, he guessed it to his entrance and sank down.

Severus lay beneath him, shocked, being a submissive. He's never topped before; the feeling of the tight heat of his mate around him was a new feeling.

"Lucius," Asura groaned as he rocked on Severus's cock.

"Yeah," The dom breathed out as he watched.

"I want to feel you too," He said, and both mates gaped at him.

"W-what?" Lucius spluttered out.

"Please," Asura grunted out as he leaned forward over Severus.

Lucius hesitated for a second before shuffling forward and lining up with Asura's hole that was already stretched around Severus's cock, and slid in.

"Move," Asura grunted out, and both men started to move inside him. Feeling their cocks rub against each other and the tightness of their mate's ass clenching around them, pressing their cocks against each other.

"Fuck," Severus grunted as he twitches, cumming deep inside Asura as Lucius released a second time, this time he marked Asura.

Lucius pulled out, and Severus's cock slipped out as well. Asura rolled off Severus, revealing that he also came again if the white creamy liquid on Severus's stomach was anything to go by.

Asura lay on his back, panting, his chest moving rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. "I-I n-never imagined losing my virginity would be so intensely hot," He said, and both his mates snapped their heads to face him.

"You're a virgin?" They exclaimed at the same time.

"Didn't father tell you I never had a mate?" Asura asked, tiredly waving his hand, and their message was clear.

"He did, but that doesn't mean that you never had sex," Severus said, and Asura hummed.

"I wanted to wait for the right person or people," he said, curling up to Lucius as he lay down beside him.

"Well, I'm glad we were the right people," Severus said as he lay beside Asura and cuddled up to him.


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Word count: 903

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 5 pm

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