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Taking Tom's advice, Asura asked him to make sure that both men would be at Malfoy Manor on the next upcoming Hogsmead weekend, which was today. Asura lay on the couch, his legs thrown over his arm and an arm over his eyes.

"They will be here soon," Tom said, looking at the smaller male on the couch from where he sat.

"I know," Asura replied, moving his arm from over his eyes. He got up from his position and started to pace. "As the son of death and godson of father time, I should not be this nervous to deal with mortals," He hissed.

"Son of Death and Godson of Father Time?" A voice said, and he spun around. There stood Severus and Lucius, staring at him in shock.

"Shit," He cursed as he looked over at Tom, who simply shrugged before exiting the room with a quick pat on his head. "Why don't we sit down," He said, gesturing to the sofa.

"What is going on?" Lucius asked as he and Severus sat down beside each other on the sofa.

"Well, as you heard," Asura said, moving towards the seat that Tom had previously occupied. "I am the son of Death and the Godson of Father Time. So, I'm just here for a while until I have to go back to the dark," He said.

"Why are you here on earth?" Severus asked, "I know beings like you don't normally come here unless you have to," he finished, and Asura cursed his intelligence.

"I have been here for 18 years," He said, "I wanted to experience a normal wizarding childhood, see what it was like, but it didn't go as planned. I had the worst childhood ever growing up with magic-hating muggles; I was regularly beaten, I lived under a staircase in a closet for eleven years, and I wasn't fed more than once a week. All because of some meddling old coot who didn't want to give up the fame that he had gained," He said, and the two men stared at him in shock.

"Old coot? You mean Dumbledore?" Lucius asked, and Asura nodded.

"How did he mess it up for you?" Severus asked.

"He declared a false prophecy, got my parents killed, declared me the boy who lived, and sent me to an abusive muggle home," He told them, and they just stared at him.

"Harry!" "Potter!" They both exclaimed, and Asura nodded.

It was silent for a while before Lucius spoke up. "You're telling us this for a reason, aren't you?" he asked, and Asura suddenly got nervous all over again.

"As the son of death, I have potential mates. I can choose who I wish to mate with, but some people I have a stronger connection to, and I can feel it, and they will too, but they won't be able to tell what it is until I tell them or we have a mate. The reason I can choose my mate is that not everyone can handle being mated to me," Asura explained to them. "I haven't had a potential mate or mates until now." He finished.

"We are your potential mates?" Severus asked, and Asura nodded, biting his lip as he looked from one man to the other. Each seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

"Keep in mind, you don't have to accept being my mate; you can also have it as long as you think it over," Asura told them, snapping both of them out of their thoughts.

"I-um, I will need some time to think about it. Maybe until the end of the week?" Lucius asked, and Severus nodded in agreement, looking a bit put out.

"Of course," Asura answered, happy they would at least consider it. Looking out the window, he saw that it had gotten dark. "It is quite late; we should have dinner," he said, making his way to the living room and calling Cappy to bring them something to eat before they went their separate ways.


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Word count: 655

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 11 am

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