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Severus, Lucius, and Asura went down the hall to the living room. Asura waited for the two to sit down before he sat on a chair across from them.

"Severus and I spoke last night," Lucius began, "We both decided that we will give being mates a shot," He said, and Asura smiled widely.

"Really?" he asked, looking back and forth between the two, who nodded. "You won't regret this decision," he exclaimed, his eyes briefly flashing black before changing back to their original color.

"Your eyes..." Severus gaped as he saw the quick change. "They flashed black," he said.

"Oh, they do that when I get strong feelings. Sometimes, I'll accidentally transform if I'm too happy or angry," Asura explained to the two, who nodded.

"There is something else," Asura said after they had been silently sitting there for a while. "I have to mark you, not a mating mark, just a mark so we are connected like regular mates would be," he explained, and Lucius looked at him.

"And we won't be mated at all?" He asked, and Asura shook his head.

"No, it's just to show that you belong to me and to each other as well. Once we ark each other with our fangs, it should either vanish or change," He explained, "And if we don't wish to be a part of the relationship anymore, I can remove it," He continued.

"I'll do it," Severus said from where he had sat quietly beside Lucius all this time. "Is there a specific place where I have to get it?" He asked, and Asura shrugged.

"It's up to you where it goes," He replied, and Severus nodded.

"OK, then, on my neck," the dark man replied, and Asura stood. Walking over to Severus, he climbed onto the man's lap and gripped his chin. He tilted his head to the side and licked his neck before placing his hand on the section right where his ear was.

Severus felt pleasure surge through his body, and he grunted as it grew, closing his eyes and biting his lip to keep in the moan that threatened to escape. When it stopped, he opened his eyes and saw Asura climbing off his lap.

"I should have probably warned you about that," He said, eyes glued to Severus's crotch. The potion master looked down and blushed. His pants and a visible tent in them were soaked through with what was obviously cum. He quickly spelled the mess away while avoiding eye contact.

"The mark is there," Asura told him, showing him a mirror. "It's only a partial mark, so it can be removed if you change your mind,"

Looking in the mirror he saw a card with black edges and a spade in the center, it was right under his ear and very visible to everyone.

Asura looked away from Sevrus and turned to Lucius, whose face was bright red. Asura smirked, seeing that. "Are you ready for yours?" he asked, and Lucius's eyes snapped towards him. Lucius's eyes moved back and forth between Sevrus and Asura before he nodded.

Asura repeated the same actions he did with Severus, and once again, when he pulled away, the other was left with cummed stained pants and an embarrassed look on his face too.

"Let's head back to Tom. It is just about dinner time," Asura said, standing. The two followed him to the office, where Asura stepped in and froze.

There on Tom's neck was his father's mark, a synch. Asura marched over to the desk and stared at Tom. "He marked you," He said, and Tom raised a brow.

"What?" He asked, confused. Asura pulled out a mirror and showed the mark to a shocked Tom.

"My father marked you, which means he wants you as a mate," Asura told him, and Tom's mouth dropped. "He did not tell you?" he asked, and Tom shook his head.

"I'll talk to him about it later," He said.

Asura nodded and looked down to see the plans for Tom's raid. "Are they big raids?" He asked, and Tom shook his head.

"Just small ones." He told him before looking at the short male in front of him. "Will you be joining any of the raids?" he asked, and Asura shook his head.

"Alas, I cannot. We cannot interfere with mortal warfare. The only way I can intervene is if my mate or the mate of another deity is in trouble. I can only interfere then to protect them, and even then, what I can do is very limited." Tom looked at the two still standing at the entrance. Seeing the mark on their neck, he nodded.


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Word count: 757

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 12:30 pm

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