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Asura made his way through the halls of Hogwarts, his human form completely gone. He made his way to the Headmaster's office and up the stairs. He made his way through the office and towards the living area.

He fazed through the door and saw the old goat sleeping on the bed. Walking up to the bed, he raised his scythe and brought it down hard on the man's stomach, using it to wake up with wide eyes immediately.

"Well, hello there," Asura chirped as the white-haired man looked at him with fear in his eyes. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" The skeleton man said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"W-what do you need?" the shaking old man asked, staring at the skeleton figure facing him.

"So impatient," Asura huffed as he twirled his weapon. "I don't want anything from you, though, not yet, anyway," he said menacingly.

He shuffled closer, leaning over the man. He brought up a bony finger and ran it across the man's hairy cheek, creating a black mark down his face. "Perfect," the deity hissed, pulling away and leaving a mark on his face.

Dumbledore hissed as his skin sizzled and the black mark sunk. "Consider that a lesson for what happened today," Asura said as he stood and vanished from the room.

He appeared in Lucius's room back at the manor and paused at the sight before him. Before him on the bed lay Severus in his boxer, lying across Lucius's lap, sleeping as the man petted his hair.

Asura made his way to a chair by the window and sat down. Looking at the two mates on the bed, he saw the grey eyes of the blonde Veela.

"Won't you join us?" Lucius asked, and Asura sighed. Turning back to his human form, he stood and made his way to the bed. "You did something. Didn't you?" The blonde asked as Asura leaned over and ran a hand through their sleeping mate's hair.

"I couldn't not," the other answered, and Lucius simply shook his head. "How are you feeling?" The raven asked.

"Still a bit sore, but nothing bad," Lucius answered as Severus shifted in his lap.

"Lucius," the long-haired man mumbled as he blinked open his eyes. "Hi," he said when he saw Asura. He shuffled into a sitting position before pulling the sheet off the bed, and a bright blush covered his face.

Lucius sighed as he did that before climbing off the bed. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, Severus," He said as he entered the bathroom.

Asura frowned as he looked over at the long-haired man who pulled the sheet tighter around him, nodding to himself as he understood Lucius's words. The vampire in front of him was ashamed of his body. He crawled closer to the other and quickly snatched the sheet away, causing Severus to gasp and look up at him.

Asura ignored him and examined his pale skin. His body was littered with scars, but one stood out. One vertical scar ran along the bottom of his belly. "What happened there?" he asked, looking up into the other's onyx eyes.

"I...I, My son," Severus said, and Asura blinked in shock.

"You're...son," Asura asked as Lucius returned to the room in silk pajamas.

Lucius looked at the two and the scar down on Severus's belly. "What happened there?" He asked, shocked, and Asura hummed.

"So you didn't know about the son either?" He asked, and Lucius looked at him wide-eyed.

"What, son?" Lucius asked, and Severus sighed.

"Remember, around five years ago, when I disappeared for a few months?" He asked, and the blonde nodded. "I was pregnant. I went away to have the baby, I didn't want anybody to know," He said and Lucius frowned crawling onto the bed.

"Where is the child now?" Asura asked, and Severus shook his head.

"I don't know," Severus sighed, " Things were getting bad, and I didn't think I could handle a baby, so I told them to put it up for adoption," He said, and his two mates looked at each other before looking back at the dark man.

"You could have told me or Tom," Lucius said, climbing on the bed and wrapping an arm around the man. "We would have helped you take care of the kid, and you could have kept it," Lucius said, and Severus sighed.

"Probably, but it's too late now," he said as he shuffled a bit and lay down. Look, I'm going to get some rest. I have classes to teach tomorrow," he said, turning away from them and pulling the sheet tight around himself. This time, neither of them bothered pulling it away from him. They simply crawled under the sheets and went to sleep, each trying to figure out how to fix this.


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Word count: 781

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 2 pm

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