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When Harry woke up the next morning, he found himself in his bedroom. He lazily lay there for a minute before remembering it was his birthday. He jumped up quickly and ran into the bathroom, slipping on the tile. He quickly showered before dressing in the best clothes Tom had bought him. He ran down the stairs and slid into the kitchen to find the man already sitting there with the morning paper and his cup of tea.

"I was wondering when you would turn up," Tom said, amused, as Harry gained his balance and made his way over to the table.

A plate filled with Toast, bacon, eggs, and sausages appeared in front of him, and Harry ate quickly, choking a few times in his rush. "I'm ready," He exclaimed as he finished eating and stood up.

Tom stood from his spot and cast a glamor over himself and Harry before apparating them to Diagon Alley. "Hold my hand," Tom said, holding his hand out for the teenager to take it. When he did, Tom pulled him out into the busy streets of the Alley and toward the bank.

They made it to the back and up to the front desk. Harry didn't pay attention to Tom until they started walking again; he was too busy looking around the bank. They entered an office, and Tom sat down, motioning for Harry to do the same. There was a goblin waiting patiently for them to get settled.

"Mr. Riddle, Mr. Potter, My name is Ragnark," he said.

"Yes, we are here to do Harry's inheritance test," Tom said and the goblin pulled out two pieces of parchment and placed them on the table.

"Three drops of blood on each," Ragnark said, and Harry looked over at Tom, who nodded before picking up the dagger placed on the table, cutting his finger, and dripping them on the parchment.

The drops swirled and Harry watched in amazement as they formed words. Ragnark picked up the first one and handed it to Harry to read it.

'Fraudulent Birth Certificate:

Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans (Deceased)

Father: James Potter(Deceased)

Godmother: None

Godfather: Sirius Black

Real Birth Certificate:

Name: Asura Muerte

Parent: Azreal Muerte (DEATH)

Godfather: Kronos (TIME)

Mate(s): Not yet chosen

Lord to:







Heir to:



Creature Inheritance: Grim Reaper

Block and Positions:

Magical Core: 70% blocked (by Albus Dumbledore)

Parselmagic: 60% blocked (by Albus Dumbledore)

Wandless Magic: 90% blocked (by Albus Dumbledore)

Love potion: keyed to Ginny Weasley (by Albus Dumbledore)

Hate Potion: keyed to Tom Marvolo Riddle, Severus Snape, Malfoy Family, Slytherin, Dark Side. (by Albus Dumbledore)

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