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A month passed, and all of Tom's inner circle had met Asura, except Severus, who was staying at Hogwarts to keep an eye on things. They were initially unsure of him, mostly because he had just appeared and because Tom always had to make sure he was okay. They still didn't know who he was, though; they were keeping that a secret for now.

Currently, He was hanging out with Draco. They had become close over the past few weeks, and he knew the secrets. They were hanging out in Draco's room, they were sprawled out on the bed reading books they had taken from the library. It was around noon before they finally closed their books.

"Draco?" Asura said softly, and the blonde hummed in response. "Have you found your mate yet?" He asked, and Draco's brows twitched.

"No," He said, sitting up properly from where he slouched against the head of the bed. "I have smelt them close by when Father took me to Diagon Alley a few times this summer. I smelt them there, but they disappeared before I could find them. I know there's two of them 'cause it's always two scents," Draco said, frowning a little. And Asura thought for a while.

"What about you?" Draco asked, turning to him. "Did you find your mate yet?" The blonde asked. Asura wondered if he should tell him.

"I have," Asura said slowly. Well, I found one anyway," he said, and Draco looked at him, confused.

"Two?" He asked, and Asura shrugged.

"Not really," He said, shuffling into a comfortable position. "As the son of death, I have potential mates, unlike my father, who can just choose who he wants to be his mate. When I meet them, it's almost the same as when you meet yours, except they don't know. They can feel the pull, but they won't know that they are my potential mate until they accept me or I tell them. And I don't have one; I can have a lot, so if someone rejects me or thinks they can't handle being mated to me, I get a second chance. I found one, but I really want to find the other one because I have to go back to the dark a lot cause my magic is really powerful, and I can't use it to the full extent here on Earth. So, every now and then, I have to go back to release its excess and have my father teach me. Because even though I might be 718, I haven't learned everything yet, and I don't want my mate to be lonely if I have to leave for a long while," Asura explained, and Draco listened carefully.

"So, who is the first potential mate you found?" the blonde asked, and Asura looked at him for a few seconds, causing Draco to frown. "Don't tell me; it's me," he exclaimed when the older man didn't say anything and just kept on staring.

"What, no," Asura replied, waving his hands around, "It's...um, it's Lucius." He said, and Draco blinked at him.

"M-My father?" Draco stuttered out, and Asura nodded, nervously wondering what his friend was thinking. "Well, I wish you luck getting him to be your mate," he said, smiling at the other, who grinned widely.

"Hey Draco," Asura said, "How about we go to Diagon Alley? We can see if you find your mates. And I want to visit a few friends," he said. Draco quickly agreed, and the two jumped off the bed and headed down to the ground floor.

Just as they were going towards the door, it opened, and Lucius and Tom walked in. "Where are you two heading?" Tom asked, ruffling Asura's hair and causing the smaller male to pout.

"We were heading out to Diagon Alley," Draco said, and Lucious nodded at his son before looking over at the other male, who was already looking back at him.

"Hello, Lucius," Asura purred as he moved closer to the older Malfoy.

Draco rolled his eyes as Tom shook his head and walked off, and Draco decided to go outside and wait.

Asura cornered Lucius, leaving about an inch of space between them, He leaned closer and buried his nose in his neck taking in his scent. "A-Asura," Lucius stuttered out as the raven-haired male brought his hand up to his neck and caressed it.

Asura pulled away and looked down at Lucius, who had a bright blush on his face. Asura smirked before kissing his neck and pulling away, "I'll see you later love, I got to go before Draco gets impatient," He said and with that, he exited the house leaving a flustered Lucius in the foyer.

Asura and Draco walked around Diagon Alley, "I don't think I'll find them today," Draco pouted disappointedly after an hour of walking around.

"How about we go visit my friends?" Asura asked, and Draco nodded.

Asura leads the way through the alley all the way to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. As soon as they entered, Draco was swept off his feet and into the arms of the two redhead owners. Asura smirked as he saw this. After returning to his true self, he met with the twins when he came to Diagon Alley. They were the only ones besides Tom and His father who knew the whole truth, including Draco.

Being vampires, the two had figured out that Draco was their mate after they spotted him with Lucius. They had told the elder, who had agreed to lower Draco for them. Seeing that Draco was with his mates, he exited the shop and apparated back home.


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Word count: 921

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 10 am

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