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Months later, Severus and Lucius were in the bedroom. Lucius was pacing, and Severus was pouting.

"Sev, please," Lucius pleaded, and Severus huffed. "We need to get you to the medi-wing. You're in the middle of labor," he said, but Severus stubbornly shook his head.

"Noo, Not until Asura gets here," He said, and Lucius growled in frustration.

"Then call him; you were the one that told him, and I quote. 'You're being clingy, why couldn't I just be mated to Lucius,'" Lucius hissed, "Pregnant or not, Severus, saying bullshit like that was crossing the line, and you wonder why he's not here?" He said, pausing when the pop of apparition was heard.

Turning, he saw Severus gone.

"Fuck," he swore as he ran out, using the leftover traces of his magic to track his mate.

He stopped outside the medi-wing and tried to go in but was stopped by Tom coming out. Tom glared at him before slapping him hard, "I get that Severus said some shit, but you're the Dominant, don't fucking act like a pussy and say shit like that,"

He said just as Asura and Azrael popped up, and one promptly received a punch from the Vampire.

"What the fuck, Tom?" Asura exclaimed, holding his bloody nose.

"You. You left your pregnant mate. After a fight, you should know better. Leaving him like that will damage his submissive trust in you; this is the time when he yearns for you, and leaving him like that was shitty. And blaming him for his other mate leaving was shittier. Your submissive is in there right now feeling guilty and sad while in pain giving birth to your child," He scolded, and both men looked guilty.

Tom huffed and stepped aside. "I'm allowing you in; don't do anything stupid," he said, opening the door and letting the three of them into the room.

Severus lay on the bed, panting as contraction struck. He looked up as the door opened but quickly looked away from his mates.

The blonde and the brunette went to either side of the bed and took his hands; they were gripping the bed sheets.

"Sev, I'm sorry," Lucius said immediately. "I shouldn't have said what I did back in the bedroom, and I don't blame you for Asura leaving either," he said, and Severus looked back at him before simply nodding.

"I'm sorry too," Asura began, "I shouldn't have left for so long. You sounded so mad and I didn't want you to get stressed out because I was clingy or something like that, I figured we just needed space," He mumbled, and the ravenette rolled his eyes.

Slipping his hand out of Lucius, he reached over and patted Asura's head. "Okay, I'm sorry for saying trouble," He grunted as another contraction hit him.

"It's OK; you don't have to apologize for anything," Asura said, kissing Severus's forehead as he fell asleep under the sleeping spell the mediwitch placed over him so he would be asleep for his C-section.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Severus woke up feeling tired. He blinked his eyes and looked around, seeing Asura and Lucius sitting in a chair by his bed, a small blue bundle in Lucious's arms.

"Such a handsome boy," Asura mumbled, poking a finger at the bundle.

"Asu, Luci?" He mumbled, and both of them looked up at them.

Lucius stood, shuffled over to Severus, and sat on the edge of the bed, handing the bundle to Severus.

"Oh, wow," Severus said, looking down at his baby.

He had one eye like Lucius's and one like Asura's, and then his hair was black.

"You did a good job, Sev," Asura mumbled as he sat beside Lucius.

"Thanks," The vampire mumbled, staring at his child.

"Severus," Lucius said, making the other glance up at him. "We love you," he said, and Asura nodded in agreement.

"We really are sorry," the deity stated, and Severus sighed.

"I know," He said, "let's just forget about it," He smiled, and the two others grinned.

There was a knock at the door, and Asura called for them to enter. Tom, Azreal, Draco, Fred, George, and Hudson entered.

Hudson hurried over to the bed and struggled to get on. Asura smiled and helped him up. "Thanks, papa," He exclaimed, shuffling over to Severus and looking down at his baby brother.

"That's your baby brother," Severus said softly.

"Pretty, Angel," Hudson mumbled.

"What's his name?" Tom asked them to come over with the group.

"Marvolo Muerte," Severus answered, and Tom grinned.

"That's an amazing name," Tom exclaimed.

The room was silent as they watched Hudson poke and gently pat his brother's cheek, causing the baby to squirm and move his tiny fist.


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Word count: 751

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 7 pm

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