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Severus, Lucius, and Tom sat in the living room at Riddle Manor. Asura and Azreal had been hunting for souls, leaving their mates for a week already.

"Luci," Severus mumbled as he sat frozen on the couch, causing both other men in the room to pause their conversation and look at him.

"Sev, what's wrong?" He asked as the ravenette lurched forward and threw up all over the coffee table.

The blonde jumped up and rushed to his mate, gathering his hair in his hand and putting it in a messy bun. He placed his hand on Severus's forehead, checking his temperature. "You don't feel warm," he said, frowning as he pulled the other man into his chest. He waved his hand, making the puke and its stench disappear.

"I have to go to my lab," Severus said, jumping up and rushing out of the room before Lucius could say anything.

The Veela and the Vampire ran after the ravenette towards the potion lab. The door slammed before they could even get close.

"Sev, babe," Lucius called as he stopped before the door. He knocked gently, but he didn't get a response.

Worried, he closed his eyes and reached out with his connection to Asura, letting the other know that he was needed.

Seconds later, a skeleton figure appeared in front of him. "Asu, something is wrong with Sev. He threw up and then he ran off before I could even check what was wrong, and now he locked himself until the lab," Lucius rushed out.

The figure turned and looked at the door before returning to his human form. Laying a hand on the door, Asura nodded. "He's fine; just give him a few minutes," he said, and his blonde mate looked at him worried.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and Asura nodded, patting him on his shoulder.

After a few minutes of Lucius pacing outside the door, it opened. As soon as Ravenette stepped out, Lucius was in front of him. "Are you OK?" he asked softly, and Severus nodded.

He frowned slightly before looking at Asura. "How do you feel about more kids?" he asked, and Asura blinked.

"More kids?" He asked, tilting his head, "You're pregnant?" He asked, and Severus nodded.

"I-I-I," He began but switched right in the middle, his eyes flashing from orange to black. #Imgoingtobeadad, Imgoingtobeadad, Imgoingtobeadad, Imgoingtobeadad, Imgoingtobeadad#

Tom, who had been keeping his distance for the moment hundred, walked forward. #Asssura, sssnap out of it,#  He hissed but was Ignored as the other started to pace and gripped his hair.

"What is he saying?" Lucius asked as Severus watched in amusement.

"He's panicking; he keeps repeating that he's going to be a dad," Tom said as he raised a hand and slapped Asura when he came close again.

"Ow, Tom," The deity yelped, holding his cheek in shock. Asura spun toward Severus and rushed toward him. Picking him up, Asura spun the shocked man around before placing him back on his feet and pulling him into a hug. "I'm going to be a dad," he whispered.

Severus looked at Lucius over Asura's shoulder before wrapping his arms around him. "Yeah," He said.

Asura pulled away and smiled at the Vampire. "I love you," he whispered, kissing the ravenette before turning to Lucius and pulling him into a kiss. "And I love you," he said to the Veela, who blushed.

"We love you too, Asura," Both his mates said.

Asura took both their hands and pulled them along the corridors and towards their bedroom.

He led them over to the bed and laid Severus down before he stripped down to his boxers and started to rub against him. "You are like a cat," Severus mumbled as he allowed the now-putting deity to rub all over him.


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Word count: 611

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 6 pm

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