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Christmas was finally here, and Asura and Lucius had a surprise for their mate. Asura had woken up early and left, leaving Lucius to deal with their vampire mate.

Tom and Azreal were also there together as a couple.

Lucius spent the day with Severus. He first got up just a little after Asura left and made breakfast for his still-sleeping mate by himself, without house elves.

He then fed it to him. Now, they were in the tub together. Lucius ran his hand through Severus's hair as the man closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

"Where is Asura?" Severus asked suddenly, and Lucius paused.

"He had to go to the dark for a while," He lied, but the black-haired man didn't notice.

They spent a few more minutes in the tub before climbing out and getting dressed.

Draco, on the other hand, was just waking up. He was waking up to a pair of lips on his neck and one on his hips. He moaned as his eyes fluttered open, and he looked at the two redheads sucking and kissing his body.

He blocked his hips, and Fred moved to his thigh, completely ignoring his member. "Fred," He whined as he reached down and gripped the other's red hair and pulled him toward his cock.

"Uh-uh," the red he'd said as he released his hair from the blonde's grip and moved up to look him in the eye. "What's the magic word?" He asked, and Draco groaned.

"No sex for a week," he said, and both twins snorted at that, knowing he could hold that promise. "Please?" He finally said, and Fred winked at him before he slipped down his body and gripped his cock before sliding it in his mouth.

Draco moaned at the sensation of his cock being engulfed in the warm yet heat of his mate's mouth.

George, who had been patient for this entire time, kneeled beside his head and poked his cheek. When Draco looked at him, he smirked.

"Open up," The redhead said, and Draco obeyed, opened his mouth, and immediately a cock was in it, causing him to let out a muffled moan.

A few minutes later, all three mates came and collapsed on the bed. George waved his hand and muttered a cleaning spell.

"Merry Christmas," Fred muttered, and his two mates chuckled.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

The large family was all sitting in the living room, where the big Christmas tree was filled with gifts.

Severus and Lucius sat together as all the other mates did.

Severus was worried; he hadn't seen Asura all day and wasn't getting any answers from anyone.

"OK. Let's open gifts," Tom said, and Severus frowned.

"Shouldn't we wait for Asura?" He asked, but Tom waved him off.

"He said to go ahead and open them without him," He said as he started calling out names for gifts.

"I don't want to open mine until Asura gets back," Severus said, placing his gift aside.

"You don't have to wait," a voice whispered in his ear. He turned around to see the missing man standing right behind him, a grin on his face.

"Where have you been?" Severus asked, facing him fully on the couch.

"I got you a gift," Asura said, stepping aside to reveal a little boy with dark blue eyes, blonde hair, and pale skin. "Severus, I want you to meet Hudson. He's five. He was living in a muggle orphanage," the deity said, and Severus gaped at him.

"Is he..." he started to ask, but his voice cracked in the middle. Asura understood and nodded.

"Hi," Hudson whispered, giving a little wave as dark eyes approached him.

"H-Hi," the dark-haired man stumbled out; he slid off the couch and made his way over to the little boy.

"You're my mama?" Hudson asked, and Severus nodded.

Hudson smiled and lept at him, wrapping his hand around his neck, which Severus quickly returned. Standing, he lifted the tiny five-year-old with him.

"Thanks for finding him," the ravenette whispered to Asura before making his way to Lucius. He turned the boy around to face the crowd and introduced him to everyone.

"Is it me, or does he remind anyone else of the LeStranges?" Draco suddenly blurted out, and Tom and Lucius nodded in agreement.

"He does indeed," Lucius said, raising a brow at his mate, who blushed and looked away. "Oh, so it was a LeStrange?" He asked.

"Rabastan," Severus mumbled, and everyone besides Asura looked at him, shocked.

"You slept with Uncle Raba?" Draco exclaimed.

"It was a one-time thing; we both needed something, and we got it from each other for a short amount of time," He stated, sighing as he petted Hudson's hair.

The festivities continued, and they opened their gifts before entering their rooms. Lucius and Asura were in their room waiting for Severus to return from laying Hudson down to sleep.

"I'm glad you found Hudson," Lucius said, crawling closer to Asura, who was lying in the middle of the bed.

"Yeah, Severus' happiness when he saw him was worth it," He said, wrapping his hand around the blonde as he lay in bed.

"I actually wanted to ask you something," Lucius said, rolling on top of him and resting his hand under his chin.

Asura wrapped his arms around Lucius's back and pulled him tightly against him. "What is it?" he asked, and Lucius blushed a little as the door opened and Severus walked in.

"What?" The onyx-eyed man as both mates stared at him.

"Nothing," Asura said, watching as the man stripped out of his dark tubes and climbed into bed with them. "Now, Lucius, what was your question?" He asked, turning back to the blonde.

"I-um, I wanted to know when we are going to complete our mating," Lucius asked, not looking at either of the men in bed with him.

"Ah. Right," Asura said, rubbing a hand down the blonde's back. "Well, um...there's n-no rush; we can do it whenever you're ready," he said, and the two other men looked at each other before looking away.

"OK," Lucius nodded.


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Word count: 975

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 3:30 pm

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