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The trio walked down Diagon Alley. They were getting a lot of looks, mostly Asura; both men and women stopped and looked at him. He rolled his eyes as a girl with blonde hair and pale skin waved at him.

They were about to enter a store when Asura was pounced on, literally. He felt a tongue lap at him and groaned as he rolled over, only to be met with his godfather, who, despite Asura's efforts, didn't ease up on the slobbering he was giving. "Pads, get off," Asura chuckled, sitting up and wrapping his arms around the wiggling Grimm.

"What are you doing here? Where's Remmy?" Asura whispered to the animagus, who was still wiggling against him.

"Asura, are you alright?" Severus asked, frowning down at the two on the floor as Lucius stood beside him with a conflicted look on his face.

The Grimm stopped moving and looked around, then bolted, disappearing into the crowd as Asura shook his head and stood up. "He'll be back," he said as he brushed himself off and entered the store.

"What the..." Severus said, looking around the shop.

"Welcome to the hidden potion store on Diagonal Alley," Asura said as the raven-haired man looked around in awe.

Every shelf was stocked full of potion ingredients that he had never seen and that you couldn't find anywhere. He had always seen it but never wanted to go in.

"It's hidden because only people with special permission from people like me and Dad can enter," He said, nudging Severus when the man still hadn't moved.

"I-I can take any of these?" he asked, looking like a kid in a candy shop and bouncing on his feet.

"Anything," Asura said, and Severus disappeared.

They spent about three hours in the store before they dragged Severus out. As they exited, they heard voices talking, and Asura grinned as he rushed towards him.

"Pad, I don't think Harry is still here," Remus said.

"I know he's here; I can still smell him," Sirius said.

"I can smell him too, but we've been standing here for almost three hours," Remus replied.

"Remmy," Asura said, and both men spun around to look at him.

"Cub," Remus gapped as he caught his scent. "You look different," he commented before seeing the man behind his godson.

"Yeah," Asura said, moving forward until he was closer to him. "I missed you," he said as Remus reached out and ruffled his hair.

"Cub," Sirius said happily, and Asura chuckled.

"We have a lot to talk about," Remmy said, pointedly looking at the men keeping their distance between them.

"Yeah," Asura nodded, "Everything can be explained; my dad will explain it," he said as he rested his hand on the two, and they disappeared.

"Now let's get on with our date," He said, going back to his mates. "Tonight will be ours," he whispered as he took their hands.

They shipped around the Alley for a few more hours before Asura took them the way to the dark.

The two looked around. Having never been there before. They were a bit shocked when they stepped through the little door to enter what seemed to be a simple sitting room.

"Wow, this is not what I expected," Severus said as he followed Asura through a different door and entered a bedroom.

"This is my room," Asura said as he flopped down on his bed. "This is where we will mate," he said, and both men whipped around to face him.

"Mate?" Lucius asked, raising a brow. "I thought you wanted to wait, and why here?" he said, looking over at Severus, who had a deep blush on his face.

"I wanted the day to be right," Asura asked. "And here, because if we do on earth, it will overwhelm us all when you mate with a deity. You become more powerful, your power level rises, and here it helps because it's literally built by the magic of the people who live here," he explained.

"So, we're mating?" Severus asked, and Lucius looked at him with a smirk.

"Looks like it,"


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Word count: 662

Re-published: April 28, 2024,  4:30 pm

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