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Azreal and Tom were in the office. Tom was working while Azreal was lazing around on the couch.

Suddenly, Azreal yelped and fell off the couch, startling Tom, who got up and rushed over to him.

"Az, you OK?" Tom asked, kneeling down beside him.

And Azreal huffed. "Yeah, I just got six new family bonds. I was startled. I haven't felt any of those in a while," he said, getting on the couch again.

"Family bonds?" Tom asked, sitting beside him.

"Yup, Asura, Severus, and Lucius apparently just mated. I have a bond with them because of that. So that's two, and their kids, Draco and Hudson, that's four, and Draco's mates, that's six," Azreal explained, but Tom still looked confused.

"But, wouldn't you just get bonds with Lucius and Severus?" He asked, and Azreal shook his head.

"Normally, I would," he started. "But because Asura already formed such a strong bond with Draco and his mates and considered them family, when he mates Lucius, who already had a bond with them, I feel a bond with them too. The same goes for Hudson, too," he finished.

"I see," Tom mumbled. "So, if we were to mate, would Asura get a bond with me?" He asked, and Azreal nodded.

"Not if, when we mate," Azreal said, and Tom blushed. "So pretty when you blush," Azreal said, and Tom smacked him lightly.

It was silent for a while; Azreal laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. He felt a weight on his lap and opened his eyes to see Tom sitting on him. He raised a brow as Tom shyly raised his hand and unbuttoned his shirt.

Azrael sat still and remained silent. He knew Tom worked up a lot of courage to do this. He leaned forward to help the smaller man take off his shirt.

When Tom's hand went down to his pants and froze, he quickly grabbed it and placed it on his chin. "Tom, we don't have to do anything. I am quite happy just being with you; just the thought that you belong to me excites me. If you aren't ready, I will wait for you for years," Azreal said as Tom looked at his neck instead of his face.

"I want to," Tom said firmly, and Azreal nodded, holding on to the smaller man as he smoked out.

They landed in a large bed, and Tom gasped as he landed on his back. "Wh-" he started, but Azreal cut him off.

"We're in the dark," Azreal said, kissing his neck. "If we are going to mate, we need to be in the dark," he explained, and Tom whined.

He pulled back and looked down at the man, who looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. He leaned down and captured his lips, kissing him softly.

He quickly stripped Tom of his clothes and paused when he reached his boxers. "Can I?" he asked, and Tom looked down at him before nodding.

He pulled off him before he stood and pulled off his clothes. He went to the bedding table and pulled out a bottle of lube.

"You know," Tom said, eyeing the bottle in the other's hand. "There's a spell for that," He said, and Azreal nodded.

"I know," He said, placing the lube on the bed and crawling over him. "But, I don't like using magic in the bed unless I have to. I think it's more intimate like that, undressing you, fingering you, opening you up with my own two hands," He whispered.

He ran a hand over Tom's body and down to his erection; he leaned down and took it into his mouth. Tom gasped and looked down at him. "What, what are you doing?" He asked, and Azreal raised a brow and he sucked him deep, causing the brunette to groan and throw his head back.

While Time was lost in the pleasure of getting his cock sucked, Azreal reached for the lube and squirted some on his fingers before moving it to his entrance; gently and slowly, he pushed one in and gagged when Tom bucked into his mouth.

"A-Az-Azreal," Tom moaned out as he looked down at the man between his legs who was fingering himself and sucking his cock at the same time.

When Azrael had three fingers in his ass, Tom started to whine and wiggle beneath him. Azreal pulled off him and pulled out his fingers.

"Are you ready?" Azreal asked as he lubed up his cock. He moved up Tom's body and looked down into his eyes. "I need you to say 'yes' to tell me," He whispered, looking down at the man beneath him.

"Y-y-yes," Tom hissed, almost switching into parseltongue.

Azrael smirked as he slowly pushed in, watching Tom's face for any signs of discomfort. When he was all the way in, he paused and raised his hand to caress Tom's face.

"Look at me, my love," He growled out, and Tom looked up at him. "There are those beautiful red eyes," he smiled as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in, watching as he gasped and moaned.

He continued to thrust in and out of the man beneath him slowly. Watching every movement on his face and listening to every sound that he released.

"Az, I'm cumming," Tom gasped out, and Azrael sped up a tiny bit, causing Tom to scream out as he came. Feeling his mate tighten around him, he leaned down and sank his fangs into his neck as he grunted cumming deep inside him.

"Fuck," Azreal sighed as he collapsed on top of him.

Tom lay between him, dazed and very shocked. He didn't expect the first time he had sex in over thirty years to feel so many emotions flowing through him. He wrapped his arms around Azreal's neck and felt a tear slip down his cheek.

Azreal pulled away and looked down at him. Sitting up quickly, he waved a hand, cleaned their mess, and pulled Tom into his lap.

"Why are you crying?" Azreal asked, worried. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, pulling the smaller man close, who shook his head.

"No, it's just that I feel so much right now," Tom said. "I actually never thought I would have a mate," he said, and Azrael smiled fondly at his mate.

"Well, now you have me," he whispered. "And we'll be together till I die," he said, and Tom looked up at him.

"But, you won't die," He said, and Azreal smirked.



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Word count: 1056

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 5:30

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