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Tom sat alone in his office. He was supposed to be going over plans for a riot, but his mind kept returning to a certain male. A red-orange-eyed male who happened to be taller than him and father to one of the only people he cared about. The man had been at his house almost every day, and even when he couldn't see him, Tom could feel his presence in the room. And when he could see him, he noticed the looks that Azrael shot his way, a look of pure desire.

As his office door opened, Tom looked up and saw Lucius and Severus enter. "Hey, Tom," Severus said, making his way to sit on the sofa in the room.

"Have you seen Asura?" Lucius asked.

"He went back to the dark on Thursday," Tom said, placing down his pen, "Have you two decided what you will be doing?" He asked, and Lucis grinned.

"We decided we were going to give him a shot," Severus said, and Tom nodded.

"You two have finally talked about your feelings, then," he said, and both men snapped their heads towards him. "Oh, don't act so surprised; I knew you two had feelings for each other from the moment I met you both," he said, and a light blush covered their cheeks.

"Yeah, we talked things out," Severus said, his eyes flickering to Lucius.

"Don't you have any way to contact him there?" Lucius asked Tom, who shook his head.

"Why do you think I would?" he asked, confused, and Lucius stared at him.

"I mean, you're practically his father; I thought you would," Lucius said, and Tom huffed.

"Well, I don't," he said. "I can't just say, 'Asura and Azreal, I need you,' and they'll ap..." He stopped when the room got cold, and a hand was placed on his shoulder, causing him to stiffen.

"You called," Azreal's voice said right next to his ear, causing him to jump and swear.

"I guess you can," Severus said, rolling his eyes.

"Can what?" Asura said from beside him on the couch, causing him to jump to his feet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the small male said, looking sheepish.

"Asura, can we talk?" Lucius asked, and red-orange eyes flickered between the raven and blonde before he nodded and exited the room with them both in tow.

Tom watched the three leave the office before his chair spun around to face Azrael. The man was bent slightly, and his arms held onto the chair's handles. His face was inches away from Tom's, who was flushed red and trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

"Look at me," Azreal said and Tom's eyes flicked up to his, and not a second later a pair of lips were attached to his. Shocked, Tom froze before slowly kissing back.

Azreal wrapped his hand around Tom's waist and pulled him to his feet, their lips still connected. He pushed the chair out of the way and lifted him onto the desk. Tom wrapped his arms around Azreal's neck and arched his back, pressing himself closer to the man.

Azreal released his lips and started to kiss down his neck. Bringing his hands up, he pulled Tom's shirt out of his pants and started to open the buttons. Once all the buttons were opened, he pushed the shirt off his shoulders and onto the desk behind him.

Tom panted as Azreal ran his hands all over his body. He felt a hand hesitantly run across the top of his pants. "Please," He gasped out, and his belt was immediately undone and his zipper pulled down. Azrael gripped the waist of his pants and pulled them down just below his ass.

Tom's eyes shut as a firm hand gripped his cock and started to stroke him. One hand went to the table behind him, holding him up, and the other remained around Azreal's neck. His eyes reopened when he felt the large man start to lower himself.

Azrael sat in his chair between his legs so his face was the same level as Tom's cock. Giving the brunette a final glance, he leaned forward and engulfed the tip in his mouth. He started to bob his head hollowing his cheeks and sucking, and he used his tongue to massage under the head every time he came back up.

Tom's hand moved from his neck to his hair, gripping it tightly as he moaned loudly.

"Fuck, Azreal." He moaned out, and he bucked his hips off the table, causing the raven-haired male to take his entire length in his mouth. "I-I'm going to cum," He panted out, trying to pull Azreal's head up and off his cock, but the other man simply took him deeper.

Tom came, his eyes rolling back in his head as he fell back on the table. Azreal kept sucking him, milking every drop for him before he pulled off and leaned over him. He ran a gentle hand down his neck, and Tom flickered his eyes open. "I didn't know I was that good to make you cum in under five minutes," He said, smirking, and Tom rolled his eyes.

"You're not; it's just been a while," he said teasingly, and Azreal raised a brow.

"A few months, it's that long," he said, and Tom turned red beneath him. What?"

 He asked to see Tom's red face.

"30 years, actually," Tom muttered, sitting up and grabbing his shirt. He tried to hide his embarrassment as he dressed but failed, arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back into a hard chest once he was done.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about," Azreal said, kissing Tom's neck one last time before he moved away from him and disappeared.


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Word count: 935

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 12 pm

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