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Asura was furious.

Someone hurt his mate, and they were going to pay. He paced in the living room in front of the couch where Lucius lay unconscious. Asura was in Severus's second to last class for the day when he got the call from his father to come home immediately.

He certainly did not expect his other mate to be bleeding out on the couch in the library with all the other elite members standing around the room. He rushed over to him, healing the blonde, who immediately fell asleep from the strain on his body from his healing.

Now, he was pacing.

"Do you know who fucking did this?" He growled, his eyes were full black and his wings were out and tense, his skin was also slowly fading to its skeletal form.

"He was too weak to say," Tom replied, and Asura growled loudly.

The floo flared, and Severus and Draco stepped out. Severus paused at the scene in front of him before rushing to Lucius, kneeling by the couch. "Oh my, what happened?" he asked as Draco stood in the same spot, looking worriedly at his father.

"An ambush," Tom answered, and Severus growled.

The dark man looked over at his still-pacing mate and stood. He slowly walked over to him and stood in his path, when Asura turned around to pace again he bumped into the taller man. "Severus," He said as the man cupped his face.

"Calm down," Severus said firmly, rubbing his thumbs over Asura's cheeks.

The half-skeletal man looked up at him, he stepped close to him and pressed his head into his shoulder taking a deep calming breath he stepped back and looked over at Lucius laying down on the couch.

"I am very calm at the moment," Asura said, and Severus raised a brow at him. "I haven't killed anyone yet, have I?" the half-skeleton asked, and the raven-haired man sighed.

There was shuffling on the couch, and they all turned to see Lucius slowly blinking his eyes open. His mates were the first ones to be by his side. "How are you feeling?" Asura asked, and Lucius groaned in response.

Severus pulled a vial out of his robe and opened it before bringing it to the blonde's mouth and pouring it in. Lucius slowed the potion and sighed. Sitting up, he leaned back and rested his head against the back of the sofa.

"It was the order," He said, raising his hand to run through his hair. "They caught me off guard, and they forced apparated me somewhere before they attacked. They wanted me to tell them if the dark lord had Harry Potter. It took me a while before I realized I was in an old castle and found a floor," He said, and Asura cursed.

"But we don't have Potter," Rabastan suddenly said from his position among the other elites.

"The Dark Lord does have Harry Potter," the other people in the room who didn't know who he was before turned to look at him. It's me; I was Harry Potter," he said, and their jaws went slack.

"Y-you were Potter?" Narcissa asked, and Asura nodded before proceeding to explain why he was on earth in the first place.

"Damn, Dumbles really is fucking crazy," Rabastan said, shaking his head.

"When is your big plan taking place, Tom?" Asura asked, turning to the man, "I am getting impatient; I want my chance with him in the afterlife," Asura growled.

"In a month, some things still need to be sorted out," Tom answered, and Asura huffed.

"It's getting late, and you two go get some sleep. I'll be back in a few," he said to his mates before disappearing.

His two mates looked at Azrael in shock. "He'll be back; he's just a little worked up," he said, and the two nodded. Severus helped Lucius stand up and led him out of the sitting room, followed by the others.

"Tom," Azreal said once they were alone again, but Tom shook his head. Tom went to stand, but the man grabbed him and made him sit back down. "Look, I don't know why you're mad at me, and I don't want to have to read your mind for you to tell me," the deity said, and Tom glared before sighing.

"I'm just kind of disappointed and angry at the fact that you want to take your mark back," He sighed, and Azreal blinked at him.

"What? I thought you would have been happy. I didn't ask to mark you, and I thought you would want a...human mate." Azreal said, and Tom huffed.

"You're the only person who I've been attracted to in a long while. I was honored you wanted to mate me, and now you want to take it back," Tom said before moving to stand once again, only for Azreal to drag him on top of him and connect their lips together.

"I would love for you to be my mate; I just wasn't sure it's what you wanted," Azreal said, and Tom huffed.

"Well, you should have asked instead of just assuming," Tom said, glaring at the man. And now that I want it, it is when you consider it. Whatever," the brunette said before storming out of the room.

"Fuck," Azreal said, watching the man exit the room.


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Word count: 864

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 1:30 pm

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