I'm Sorry People

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Hello everyone.

I know you guys have been waiting for an update for the past 7 days. But ive been really busy to pen down anything this week. I'm working full time, and due to the busy schedule this month, it's hard for me to juggle between work and writing.

Plus I've got some really serious issues with my back and mental health. I really need a while to gather myself together.

I just got back from office and am too tired to write down a chapter at this point.

Since we are entering the second phase of this story, I don't want to rush anything. So I'll take a little time to pen down the next chapter.

I promise to give yall a double update the coming week.

I also want to announce that, this story is no longer a part of PearBhi Fandom or anyone related to the fandom.

I, the writer of this story, have no intention to keep any kind of relation with the fandom or the celebrities.

If you think it's unfair of me to say this then feel free to unfollow me. I genuinely donot care if any of the 'genuine' pearbhian or pearlian leaves.

Yeah, that's how much i hate the idea of once being associated with them.

And because I've said this now, I also want to inform that the next chapters of this story will have no relevance to the real actors or the show they were part of.

Although this story started with them, I will not let this one end with them.

For the past few chapters, you mightve found some relatable things mentioned, which you will not find in the coming chapters anymore.

And i will appreciate it if you all donot mention the actors in the comment section.

Undying Devotion is NO longer a fan fiction.
I DONOT want it to be associated with any celebrities or their shows.

Thank you very much for being so patient with me.


•You can drop some suggestions here regarding the next two chapters•

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