CHAPTER 18|Flowers, Chocolates And Movies

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Author's POV:

The set had a noticeable void without Meera's presence, a void that tugged at Raghbir's curiosity like an unanswered question.
Seeking answers, he approached Ishika,"Ishika.. Where's meera?"

Ishika looked at him and smirked, "Kiu? Missing her?".

Raghbir rolled his eyes.

"No. I'm not. The shoot is going to start, she still isn't here!"

Ishika laughed at him, "She wont be here today, she's unwell and granted a day off", Raghbir frowned, "Unwell?",

Ishika nodded, "Yeah, don't worry she will be fine. She didn't have any work today moreover. Now lets go!", Ishika dragged him towards the set, but Raghbir couldn't get his mind off Meera stil

The entire day had gone like Raghbir sulking and Ishika trying to cheer him up! But alas! He tried calling meera but she wasn't receiving the calls. God knows whether she was fine or not!!!

Hence, As soon as the day's work concluded, Raghbir decided to visit her.

But as he was driving towards her home, his eyes caught something.

He stopped his car aside and went to the small shop where the girl was selling flowers.

"Hey, can you please give me some fresh flowers?",  Raghbir asked the lady who was almost fainting right there

"RAGHBIR MALHOTRA?", The lady screeched making his eyes wide

Shit Raghbir!! Why did you have to be a celebrity!!

He signed the girl to tone down and purchased some fresh bunch of Lillie,while the lady had completely gone nuts seeing her favourite actor infront of her eyes.

"Sir, an autograph please??", The girl pleaded making Raghbir laugh. Once he came back after giving her an autograph and clicking God knows how many photos, he was armed with flowers and chocolates.
At Meera's doorstep, the maid greeted him, "Arey, Sahab, aiye na. Meera madam kamre mei hai, mai bulau?", but Raghbir, wanting to surprise her, insisted she refrain from announcing his arrival, "Nah ji, Rehne de. Mai khud Jaata hu"
The maid smiled and nodded.

He entered her room to find her cocooned in a blanket, engrossed in a book. The subtle surprise on her face at his unexpected visit melted into a warm smile.

"Raghbir!! What a pleasant surprise!", Her face lit up as she said, making him smile too.

Seating himself beside her, Raghbir presented her with a box of chocolates. "I brought these for you," he said, his concern evident in his eyes.

Meera, touched by his gesture, accepted the chocolates with gratitude. However, the discomfort betrayed in her expression caught Raghbir's attention. "What's wrong?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine worry.

She sighed, admitting, "Period cramps. They're killing me. I feel like crying."

Without a second thought, Raghbir wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her into a comforting embrace. He leaned against the headboard, his steady presence a balm to her discomfort. "You should have told me. I would have come earlier," he murmured, his fingers instinctively finding their way to her back, gently massaging away the tension.

Meera, nestled in his embrace, felt a wave of gratitude. "I didn't want to bother you. It's just a silly monthly thing."

Raghbir chuckled softly. "Nothing about you is silly, Meera. Your well-being matters to me." He continued the gentle massage, a silent offering of comfort and support.

With Meera nestled comfortably against him, Raghbir suggested, "How about we watch a movie? It might be a good distraction."

Her eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded eagerly. "Yes, please!"

Raghbir grabbed the remote, scrolling through the options until he settled on a classic Bollywood 90s film Veer Zara featuring Shah Rukh Khan, a timeless icon of romance and charm.

Raghbir, a hint of mischief in his eyes, turned to Meera. "How about a dose of 90s romance? Shah Rukh Khan at his best."

Meera's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Perfect choice! I love 'Veer-Zaara.'"

The soft glow of the television illuminated the room as Raghbir and Meera settled onto the plush bed, enveloped in a cozy blanket.

As the iconic strains of the movie's opening credits filled the room, Raghbir draped an arm around Meera, pulling her closer. The scenes unfolded on the screen, capturing the essence of a timeless love story.

As the story of Veer and Zaara unfolded, Raghbir found himself stealing glances at Meera. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and he couldn't help but admire the genuine emotions that flickered across her face. The room became a haven of shared laughter and silent exchanges, the unspoken connection between them growing stronger with each passing scene.

During the soul-stirring songs, Meera found herself humming along. Raghbir, catching on to her infectious enthusiasm, joined in. Their voices harmonized, creating a sweet melody that echoed in the room.

As the narrative delved into the poignant moments between Veer and Zaara, a subtle shift occurred. Meera, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, watched the unfolding tragedy on the screen. Raghbir, sensing her emotional response, tightened his embrace.

Meera, her voice barely above a whisper, mused, "It's just so beautifully heartbreaking. Their love, the sacrifices... it gets me every time."

Raghbir, his concern evident, asked softly, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, a tear escaping her eye. "It's just... the power of love, you know? It gets me every time."

Raghbir, his own emotions stirred by her vulnerability, gently wiped away the tear. "Love can be overwhelming, but it's also what makes us human."

The movie continued, but their focus had shifted. The room was filled with unspoken emotions, the shared experience of a film transcending its role as mere entertainment. Raghbir, wanting to lighten the mood, teased, "I thought this was a distraction, but it seems we've ventured into emotional territory."

Meera chuckled, "Blame Shah Rukh Khan and his ability to tug at our heartstrings."

As the film approached its poignant climax, Meera sighed. "I always hope for a different ending, even though I know how it goes."

Raghbir, recognizing the bittersweet magic of the moment, replied, "That's the beauty of storytelling. It leaves us yearning for something more, something beyond the screen."

In the quiet aftermath of the movie's conclusion, Raghbir and Meera sat in contemplative silence. The rain outside had subsided, leaving behind a serene stillness. Raghbir, his gaze fixed on Meera, broke the silence.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, Meera. It's moments like these that make everything feel a bit more magical."

Meera, a genuine smile on her face, replied, "No, thank you, Raghbir. Sometimes, getting lost in a good story is all you need."

As the credits rolled and the room filled with the haunting melody of the film's theme, Raghbir and Meera sat in a shared moment of connection—a connection forged not only by the on-screen magic of "Veer-Zaara" but by the emotions it had stirred within them. In that quiet space, the lines between fiction and reality blurred, leaving behind an indelible imprint of a night where the power of storytelling became a canvas for the shared emotions of two souls navigating the intricacies of their own love story.

Hello everyoneee!! Well the Shahrukh-fan inside me cannot calm his horse down!!!
Veer-Zara is my favourite and it had to be featured you know😉
This chapter was a feel-good one. I hope you 'felt good' after reading this😅

Also, the story is slowly entering its second phase, I am thinking to drop a teaser. What say?? Please let me know guyssss!!

Vote, Comment and Share!!! Need all your love. And make it 8k??? Plwaaaseee??? ⛄🥺🥹


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