CHAPTER 5 | Feelings

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Author's POV:

Raghbir tapped his foot on the floor anxiously, glancing at his phone now and then. After returning home from the set, he had decided to text meera. Now he was waiting for her reply.

After he talked to Ishika about everything,he realized he was at fault by unnecessarily ignoring meera.
His and Kiara's breakup happened because of him. HE was attracted towards Meera. Not the other way round! She didn't deserve to be ignored when she wasn't aware of a thing!

His chain of thoughts broke when his phone vibrated with a message. It was Meera.

Yes Raghbir

Meera, i wanted to talk to you about something.

What is it?

Not here. I mean it cannot be discussed over text or phone calls. Would you please come over tomorrow morning for breakfast?

Uh okay.

Raghbir heaved a sigh seeing the text. He sent a quick thank you and put his phone aside. He was afraid if Meera would deny to come. But thanks to God she agreeed.

It was not that hard!

Meanwhile Meera was both upset and excited. Upset because Raghbir has been ignoring him for a week-which was quite relevant-and now suddenly asked her for Breakfast. And happy because he had finally started talking to her. Pulling the comforter over her, she drifted off to sleep. Waiting for the morning to happen.
In the morning :

Raghbir's morning happened earlier than usual. Knowing Meera could be here any time, he didn't waste his time and started preparing breakfast.

He lived alone in Mumbai, his family was in Agra. He had a caretaker but he was on leave due to medical emergency. That's why he was making breakfast even though he had never entered the kitchen in his life.
Meera was sitting in the living room of Raghbir's House. She has reached just now and was observing the interiors keenly. While Raghbir went into the kitchen.

"Shitt!!", the sudden voice of Raghbir snapped Meera out of her thoughts. She rushed into the kitchen worriedly to see what has happened. But to her utter surprise, There was Raghbir, blowumg air to the burnt toast. He was making different faces that easily described his disappointment and Meera couldn't stop herself from laughing her ass off.
"You are laughing Meera", Raghbir whined at Meera but no help, she kept on laughing. "Who blows air to burnt toasts dumbhead!!", She said in between her laughter and Raghbir sighed.

It was the first time that Meera has come in his house, and he has nothing to serve except for the toast.

Meera looked at him for a second, composing herself.
She threw the toast in the dustbin and stood in front of him. "Aaj breakfast mai bana lu?",Meera asked picking the pan from the rack. But Raghbir was quick to oppose as he took the pan from her hand"No no.. Mai kar lunga, you sit outside for a while, i will be there",

"Raghbir, i surely don't want to eat burnt toasts" Meera said laughing "you help me with the ingredients, we will make the breakfast together", seeing no choice, raghbir nodded in defeat.
"Why did you call me Raghbir?", Meera looked at Raghbir.

"i am sorry meera.", Raghbir paused his work and looked at her. "I wanted to say sorry for my past behaviour. I'm sorry for ignoring you meera.", Meera looked at him for a second and said"Did i do anything wrong to upset you? "," No meera not at all!! You weren't the reason!! I and kiara broke up, and i just needed some space", Raghbir blurted making meera shocked! She wasn't aware of their breakup.
To her disappointment, she was feeling happy. She didn't like Raghbir and Kiara together. But she knew this was wrong. So she shurgged it off and said, "i am sorry Raghbir, i.. I didn't know'," It's fine meera, let it be! ", Raghbir said and meera nodded.

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