[09] Powerful Outburst

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It's a new day, and school is just about to be over. You're happily sitting at your desk, playing close attention while the teacher wraps up the lesson. There's so much for you to learn, after all. You'll need to make a big effort to improve, and above all else, you're determined to make Aizawa and Present Mic proud.

Speaking of Aizawa, he's already waiting outside the classroom for you. He's not just here to pick you up, though. No, today he's on a very important mission.

Namely, to find out which little asshole dared to try and hurt you.

The bell rings, and soon enough, kids start running out of the classroom and into their parents' open arms. Aizawa watches you neatly tuck your school supplies into your bag before hoisting the bag over your shoulders and saying goodbye to the boy that you're friends with. Izuku, his name is, if Aizawa recalls correctly.

But that's beside the point. All the while, Aizawa narrows his eyes in quiet contemplation. He's searching the classroom for the asshole in question. Since you don't remember his name, you gave Aizawa a physical description instead. Spiky blond hair, crimson eyes, a cocky and unpleasant look on his face...


There he is. Sure enough, he looks like a real piece of work, based on how he confidently struts out of the classroom. A few of the kids try to talk to him, but he rolls his eyes and ignores them, which further reinforces the fact that he's a goddamn prick.

Aizawa is a grown adult. He's in his twenties, having already acquired several years of meaningful hero experience. He likes to think that most people would describe him as mature, or at the very least, he takes things more seriously than the average person.

Considering all of that, is a grown man such as himself really about to get worked up over a stupid little kid?

Yes. Yes, he is.

"Aizawa!" you beam, rushing over to hug him the second you spot him waiting for you. He wraps his arms around you, of course, but only briefly.

Because the blond asshole has just walked past him.

"You," Aizawa says. He narrows his dark eyes, and Katsuki, being the little dickhead that he is, reacts by glaring up at him defiantly.

"What? You got a problem with me, old fart?"

Aizawa is momentarily stunned into silence. He's not old. Well, sure, his lower back has been hurting more and more lately, and he can't help but feel awfully lethargic (although that's always been the case), but he is not old. Seriously.

...he's not old, right?

"Aizawa isn't old," you immediately counter. "He's strong and cool! He fights villains for a living!"

Katsuki blinks, visibly surprised. He probably wasn't expecting him to be a hero, although even Aizawa has to admit that he doesn't look the part at first glance.

"Is that old fart your dad?" Katsuki points, completely disregarding what you just said. "And don't make things up. I've never heard of a hero like him. He's probably some no-name loser."

Aizawa has never cared about popularity, or public appeal. He cares about helping people, and so long as he's able to do that, he doesn't need his efforts to be recognized. Heroes don't do this job for the acclaim. Or at the very least, they're not supposed to.

But when faced with this little bastard, for the first time in his life, Aizawa briefly contemplates revealing his identity just so that he can wipe that smug look off his face.

Yeah. A grown man just considered bragging to a literal child.

Such is the effect of Katsuki's insufferable ego.

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