[23] An Unexpected Start

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"I have a request. Please allow [Name] to be placed into my class."

Principal Nezu stares at him inquisitively. "And might I ask why that is? I wasn't under the impression that you were the sentimental sort, Aizawa. We've never had a case where a teacher's child has been accepted into the program, but traditionally, it's better for the parent not to have their own child as a student."

"I understand your concerns," Aizawa acknowledges. "Normally, I would agree. I also worry that [Name] would be embarrassed to share the same classroom her father teaches, but given her particular circumstances... I can't help but be concerned. I've always tried to keep this matter as private as possible, but she has a history of abuse. She was the subject of experimentation, and although I've discussed this with the police, they still have yet to find the culprit. Now that she's entering U.A., where she will undergo intense training and have to push herself harder than ever, I don't feel comfortable leaving someone else to supervise her. At the very least, I want to be around as much as possible in the event that something goes wrong."

"Experimentation, you say...?"

Nezu's stomach drops. It's a truly horrifying thing to hear, for more reasons than one, but it wouldn't make sense for Aizawa to fabricate such a story.

"If I recall, you adopted this girl some time ago," Principal Nezu says. "She isn't your biological daughter. I'm assuming you adopted her after the incident you're referring to?"

Aizawa clenches his jaw.

"She can't be my biological daughter. Or anyone else's biological daughter, for that matter."

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

Aizawa pauses, visibly hesitant, and Nezu can only assume that whatever he's about to disclose, it isn't a fun topic.

"She's an artificial human," Aizawa finally states. Needless to say, Nezu flinches in surprise. "After consulting with various doctors who ran tests on her, and considering the circumstances in which I found her in the first place, that's the conclusion we came to. Nobody ever reported her as a missing person, and she doesn't have any memories prior to the day I stumbled across her. She claims she woke up in a strange room where a bad man was hurting her. There's nothing more she can remember beyond that. It's as if those earlier events simply don't exist."

Nezu doesn't let it show, but on the inside, he is absolutely livid.

He immediately sympathizes with you. Even now, he can still recall the countless experiments he underwent. Just like you, he is an anomaly. An incredibly rare, seemingly miraculous case of a Quirk manifesting in an animal, rather than a human. Many humans sought to understand how this miracle came about, and they conducted numerous experiments to try and obtain the answer.

Ultimately, they couldn't come up with a decisive explanation, and although those years of his life are well in the past now, deep down, he still feels resentment towards humans for what he experienced.

Nezu crosses his paws, then nods gravely. "I see. Thank you for deciding to tell me all of this. It can't have been easy to get into such a somber topic."

"Not many people know the finer details," Aizawa admits. "Even [Name] doesn't know the full truth. Mic and I deliberately kept it that way. We don't want her to feel different than the other kids. She believes that she was kidnapped and experimented on as a child, but we've chosen to conceal the truth behind her origin."

"And you're confident that she wasn't separated from her real parents? Perhaps they were already deceased, which is why nobody looked for her. Severe trauma can cause people to lose years' worth of memories, in extreme cases."

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