[25] Trial of Battle

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"I still think pranking us like that wasn't very nice," you say, slathering an unhealthy amount of butter and syrup on your waffles.

Aizawa watches with visible disgust. "It wasn't a prank. It was a logical ruse designed to draw out your best performances. People will always try harder when they think they have something to lose."

"If you say so. But you can't deny it was kind of mean."

He rolls his eyes. Of course, you don't realize that someone very well could have been expelled today. Aizawa has his doubts about Izuku specifically. It pains him to admit it, since he realizes the two of you are such close friends, but that boy hasn't had a Quirk all his life, and suddenly, it manifested out of thin air? It's difficult to believe. Not to mention that he severely injured himself during the entrance exam and had to be healed afterwards. It's the type of Quirk that carries a lot of risk, and he doesn't seem to know how to use it yet.

Izuku was able to minimize the damage he inflicted to himself this time around. Aizawa has to admit that he was impressed by his quick thinking and adaptability. He has potential, that much he can't deny.

Now, it remains to be seen whether or not he can make full use of that potential.

"Well, I'm just glad no one actually got expelled." You cram the waffles into your mouth, dripping syrup all over your plate-and partially onto the table. It turns out that eating burgers on the regular has conditioned you to be a rather messy eater. Who would've thought.

"Great. There's sticky syrup all over the place. It's going to take me forever to clean that table," Aizawa sighs.


"Don't talk with your mouth full. And are you sure you still want hot chocolate?" he asks warily. "You've already had more than enough sugar. I'm almost positive you're going to be sick."

You grin widely, syrup stuck to your teeth. "Hell yes! Hot chocolate is delish!"

Aizawa sighs again. It's not like he can say he has the best diet, either. He's prone to munching on snacks instead of always making a proper meal. Although it used to be way worse before he adopted you. Now that he has a kid in the house, he's been much more conscious of incorporating healthier, more balanced dishes, but... it's kind of tricky when you almost only ever want to eat burgers, or sugary junk.

If he's thought it once, he's thought it a million times. Being a dad is hard.

You start wiping your sticky face with a napkin and cleaning up, much to Aizawa's relief. "So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" you ask. "Will you tell me what we'll be doing?"

Aizawa snorts. "Nice try."

"Aw, why not? Just a little hint. Pretty please?"

You bat your eyes aggressively, but unfortunately, it doesn't work.

Aizawa sets a cup of hot chocolate down next to your plate, then leans in and teases you with a smug grin. "No can do. But it's cute that you think you can make me break."

You huff. Goddammit all. Winning him over used to be so much easier back when you were still a little kid.

"Just focus on getting some rest tonight," Aizawa waves off. He pauses, then chuckles softly. "After all, you'll need it for tomorrow."

You slam your fists down on the table. "So, you do know what's happening!"

"Of course. That was never up for debate. Finish your waffles, please. I'll need plenty of time to scrub that table clean."

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