[22] The Verdict

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You splutter, spitting up all the dust that got into your mouth. It takes a few moments to make full sense of your situation, but eventually, a pained groan falls from your lips, and your vision clears.

To summarize, you got absolutely bodied just now.

It hurts. Which, of course it does, since you were flung into the side of a building and went crashing through one of the windows. This is the sort of thing that would probably knock most people out of commission for the rest of the exam, but fortunately (or not-so-fortunately, to be honest), you're no stranger when it comes to pain.

And so, instead of passing out and forfeiting your chances of getting into U.A., you take a deep breath and steadily rise to your feet.

The robot that kicked your ass just moments ago is still standing there, menacingly, as if it's daring you to exit the building and try your luck again. Sure, you could probably sneak around the back and avoid it altogether, but no, you're not going to do that.

That robot is worth points, and you're damn well going to secure those points after all the trouble it caused you.

"Wait... stay where you are!" Shinsou urges. He's pale as a sheet as he watches you emerge from the building, all covered in gashes and bruises. "Are you crazy? Don't try to fight it again after what it just did to you! And you're-holy crap, your wrist is broken!"

"Oh," you blink. "Is it?"

Huh. Truthfully, you didn't even notice, but now that you pause to take a better look, you realize that your wrist is certainly not angled the way it should be.

Of course, hardly five seconds later, it twists itself right back into place.

Shinsou's jaw drops open.

"Don't worry," you reassure, smiling as all your other injuries fade away. "I'm a lot tougher than I look."

You sprint headfirst at the robot without waiting to hear Shinsou's response. You don't have the luxury of standing around and having a friendly chat. The clock is ticking, and with every passing second, the exam draws closer to being finished.

No time like the present, I guess.

The robot attacks, slamming its giant metallic arm down upon you. This time, however, you aren't preoccupied with saving someone, and you're able to evade in time. You tumble and quickly regain your footing, fast enough that the robot hasn't yet lifted its heavy arm off the ground.

It's undoubtedly a huge piece of machinery, but surely it must have a weak spot somewhere. Probably closer to what appears to be its head.

And so, you run. You scale up the robot's side, latching onto whatever you can properly grip and using it to hoist your body upwards. It tries to rotate and continue attacking you, but you're quickly learning that it has plenty of blind spots, and naturally, you use this to your advantage.

"Okay," you huff, balling your hand into a fist. "Here goes nothing."

You punch the robot's head with all your strength, but unfortunately, it seems that tough metallic exterior isn't just for show. You can feel your bones rattling as you make contact, and there's barely so much as a dent.

Even though you're consciously trying to activate your second Quirk-the one that grants you that boost of strength-it just isn't working. It seems like your body still isn't attuned to using it, and more often than not, it only manifests when you're in desperate need of it.

Technically speaking, you do need it right now. You would argue that the U.A. entrance exam is a pivotal, life-changing moment, but perhaps your body subconsciously realizes that nobody's life is in danger, and so, that power refuses to show itself.

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