chapter 6

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Two weeks later.

"Want another drink?"

Indigo looked down at the cup in her hands, quickly bringing it to her lips to take one last big sip before slamming the now empty cup on the bar.

"Sure," she yelled back at Lily, leaning in to make sure her friend would be able to hear her over the loud music that was playing in the club they had been in for the past hour.

It was a Saturday night, so it was packed. Indigo and Lily were practically pressed against the bar, and even if they'd want to go and stand anywhere else, they wouldn't have the chance to.

Indigo's shoes were sticky from the alcohol on the floor and even her silky black dress had some stains on it from the drinks that had spilled over it when people pushed past her. But it was no different than any other Saturday night; and she weirdly loved it when nights were like this.

As she scanned her eyes around the room, Indigo brushed her fingers through her long, brown hair that fell over her shoulders and almost reached her lower back. Before leaving her house earlier that night, she wanted to do something special with it, but Lily had told her to just keep it simple and put some more makeup on instead, so that was what she did.

Up until the Halloween party, Indigo never really flirted with any boys whenever she was at a club. She always felt like she wasn't ready, but something changed after having sex for the first time two weeks ago, even though she didn't remember a thing and she wished she could forget who her first time was with.

She felt like she was ready now, and she wanted to remember it this time.

"Seen anyone hot yet?" Lily asked as she turned back around, a full cup in either of her hands.

Indigo chuckled as she took one of the cups, taking a sip from it before she said "not yet, but it's only ten."

Lily nodded in agreement before looking around as well, a small frown on her face as she carefully scanned her eyes over every guy she saw.

Indigo took another sip as she looked at her friend, and chuckled at the way Lily seemed to take this very seriously.

Indigo told Lily about wanting to meet more boys tonight, and Lily had never been this excited about anything. Lily had much more experience with guys than Indigo, and she had been telling Indigo to make a move for months now, but Indigo always told her no, until tonight.

"No way."

After twenty long seconds of Lily checking out every guy she could see, her eyes suddenly widened and her mouth fell open, causing Indigo's eyes to grow too.

"Do you see someone?" she asked excitedly, squinting her eyes as she tried to see what her friend was looking at.

Lily's lips curled up into a smirk, and she moved her head closer to Indigo's as she pointed at whatever she had been looking at.

"Look who's there," she said with a small chuckle, her cheek now pressed against Indigo's as she was still pointing at someone across the room.

It took a few seconds before Indigo's eyes landed on the right person, but when they did, she gasped and immediately moved away from Lily.

It was Harry.

"What the fuck is he doing here?!"

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