chapter 9

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There was one rule Indigo had with Lily that neither of them ever broke; whenever one of them wanted to go home, the other couldn't protest, and they had to be standing outside within ten minutes.

And this time, too, Lily made sure to finish her drink within those ten minutes to be able to get Indigo home as quick as she could, despite the fact that she visibly wished she could stay a little longer.

The club was still packed as it wasn't even past midnight yet, and moving past all the dancing people was much harder than before as the majority of the crowd was now drunk. Indigo was convinced her sides were going to be bruised from the many elbows hitting her, and her dress that had finally dried up after her own drink spilled over it, was now almost soaked again from other people's drinks.

Finally, after feeling like she could barely even breathe anymore from being tense and trapped in between hundreds of people, Indigo felt the somewhat chilly autumn air hit her face. And she only had to take two last steps before her shoes finally hit the tiles of the pavement in front of the club.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Lily asked her, her shiny eyes wide in concern because she knew Indigo disliked getting through packed crowds like this.

Taking a deep breath in, Indigo shook her head. "I'm fine," she said, smiling as she slowly breathed out again.

"Good," Lily said, grabbing her jaw to kiss her cheek, which she tended to do a lot whenever she was drunk. "I'll quickly go back in to grab our coats, alright? Will you be fine here?"

Again, Indigo nodded, and she wrapped her bare arms around her stomach as she took a few steps away from the entrance of the club, trying to find a good spot to stand in and wait for her friend.

Lily watched her closely, as if to check if Indigo really was fine to be left alone, but she eventually nodded and turned back around, the door handle of the club door in her hand.

"Just breathe, babe," she told Indigo before she disappeared behind the big door again.

Indigo took another slow breath in, holding it as she looked down at her feet, watching how goosebumps were forming on her bare, somewhat tanned legs as a chilly breeze hit her skin. It wasn't insanely cold; it never really was in LA. But in a month like November, the temperature tended to drop fast as soon as the sun went down. These nights were nothing like those soft summer nights Indigo loved so much.

To keep herself warm, Indigo gently brushed her hands over her upper arms, tensing her shoulders as she did so. Normally, she'd absendmindedly scroll on her phone while waiting for her friend, so she wouldn't have to think about the cold at all, but Lily was carrying Indigo's phone with her tonight as Indigo refused to bring a purse or any kind of bag to the club.

Still looking down to avoid having to look at anyone who was walking past her, Indigo slightly shuffled her feet, hoping that the tiny bit of movement would keep her warm enough.

She wasn't aware of any of her surroundings, causing her to gasp in shock when a familiar voice suddenly spoke.

"Just breathe, babe."

Indigo's head shot up, and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Harry, who was standing just a few feet away from her, looking at her with a grin around his pink cherry lips.

Smoke was escaping past his lips as he chuckled, and Indigo soon noticed it was from the cigarette he was smoking, which he was holding in between his pointer finger and middle finger.

He was mimicing what Lily had told Indigo before she went back inside, but he put extra emphasis on the last word, visibly finding it very entertaining to do so.

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