chapter 28

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She never even realised she fell asleep until she woke up hours later - still laid on Harry's bare chest. The room was dark: the sun had gone down, meaning they had slept through a big part of the afternoon and evening.

Surprisingly, Harry was still fast asleep, in the same position he was in when Indigo closed her eyes to 'relax for a minute' - hours ago.

His hand was still rested on her head, after he put it there to hold her down when Julian came into the room. His fingers were now tangled in her brown hair, the tip of his thumb brushing over the top of her ear. The arm he had wrapped around her back had slipped off though, and it was now laying flat on the white mattress.

The blanket was no longer pulled up to their shoulders: it was now only covering the bottom half of their bodies. Indigo guessed she was the one who pushed it down in her sleep: the combination of Harry's body warmth underneath her and the warm blanket on top of her still made her feel like her skin was on fire.

Harry was warm too - she could tell by the way his skin was burning against her cheek - but it didn't seem to bother him enough to wake him up. From his breaths that were steady but a little heavier than normal, Indigo knew he was still in his deepest sleep. She oddly recognised these exact breaths from hearing them the very first time she woke up next to him - the day after the Halloween party.

On that very day, it had taken him quite a while to wake up, despite Indigo running around his house in a desperate attempt to find a bathroom, so she guessed she'd be able to let him sleep for a little longer if she was quiet enough.

Holding her breath, Indigo very carefully moved Harry's hand off her head, keeping hold of his wrist as she slid herself off his chest. As soon as her body hit the mattress, she slowly moved his hand back down, laying it on his stomach instead.

Instead of turning around and getting out of bed so she wouldn't wake him up, Indigo couldn't help but watch him sleep for a moment, propping herself up on her elbow to get a close look of his delicate features.

She looked at his eyes that were gently shut, his eyelids covering his green irises that she knew were going to be extra crisp once he'd wake up - they always seemed to be a little crispier in the mornings.

She looked at his eyelashes that were bruhsing over his soft skin underneath his eyes - they were just long enough to do so.

She looked at his nose, which was a little more tanned than the rest of his sunkissed face, making some freckles pop out - freckles that were only visible if you looked really closely. She counted ten of them.

She looked at his rosy lips that were the tiniest bit parted, vibrating a little with every soft breath falling from them.

Everything about his face - everything about him - was delicate right now. There was something about his relaxed state and rosy cheeks that made her want to look at him for minutes, just so she could take in every detail - even the details she missed the first, second, third or tenth time.

But even though the urge to just lay and stare at him was strong, her common sense was stronger, making herself snap out of it before she could think or feel things she didn't want to think or feel. The more she'd allow herself to feel, the more she'd get hurt when he'd wake up and choose to no longer be as nice as he was in the past twenty-four hours.

She quickly squeezed her eyes to break the stare, rolling onto her back to look up at the ceiling instead. But even with her eyes no longer roaming over his face, she still couldn't stop herself from going over his delicate features again - this time in her mind.

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