chapter 32

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"Look at me, Indy!"

She couldn't breathe.

"Breathe! Say something! What happened?"

She felt like she was going to die.

She could hear him talk - he had been yelling things at her for about a minute now. She could feel his touch - she even felt how her tears were dripping down on his hand that was rested on her burning cheek. Yet he felt so far away.

Ever since her legs stopped moving on autopilot like someone else controlled them, her entire body felt heavy. All she could do was hang in his arms and cry while trying her best to breathe - a simple task that suddenly felt like the hardest thing she had ever done.


His voice was now low and stern - as if he was no longer saying her name out of concern, but rather as a warning. He didn't even wait for her to respond to her name, knowing she wouldn't be able to. Instead, he just placed both hands on her upper arms to push her up straight and guided her to the side of the path.

Indigo had no choice but let him sit her down on the low stone wall, and through her blurry sight she saw how he crouched down in front of her, his hands now rested on her thighs.

"Can you hear me?" he asked, still sternly although his voice instantly got a lot softer when he noticed her eyes scanning over his face, although all she did was try and grasp where she was right now: she wasn't processing any of his features.

Indigo nodded as a sob fell from her lips - the very first reaction she had given him to anything he said to her for the past minutes. Harry smiled a little, his thumbs moving up and down her thighs in a soothing way.

"Good," he said, his voice softening a little more, "can you see me too?"

Indigo blinked a few times to try and focus on looking into his eyes, but it was impossible to do while her chest was still heaving up and down in a tempo that scared her to death.


"I'm d- d-" she choked out before letting out another loud sob, her tingling hands gripping at the sleeves of his grey hoodie in a desperate attempt to hold onto something.

"You're not dying," Harry told her after surprisingly being able to figure out what she was trying to say. He shuffled a little closer as he spoke, his hands moving to her hips so his arms were rested on her legs - making it easier for her to hold his sleeves in her fists.

"You're just having a panic attack. I know it makes you feel like you're dying but you're not, Indy."

Indigo shook her head, her hands now flying to his chest, grabbing the fabric of his hoodie to pull him closer.

"Breathe, you're okay." Harry shuffled closer again, his hands slipping to the back of her hips, up her back to touch her bare skin. His fingertips only touched her skin for a short moment before he pulled his hands away again.

"Take your hoodie off," he told her instead. "You're probably overheating, it's not helping you at all."

His hands were already on the sides of the hoodie, tugging on it a little as a way to tell her he was going to pull it up, but Indigo fiercely shook her head.

People were going to recognise her.

She knew it was a stupid thought, considering she was being so loud and a simple hood on her head wasn't going to stop anyone from recognising her face right now, but it still felt like she'd be right back in the spotlight if she'd take it off.

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