chapter 51

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She couldn't just escape it now.

But the very moment she heard Harry's familiar footsteps on the marble floor, and the happy humming coming from his mouth as he unknowingly made his way back to the bed, she no longer even wanted to.

She needed him to see what he had done to her.

She couldn't stand him for thinking he was good enough to use her as a project and shove her off once it was done.

She couldn't stand him for thinking he had the right to ever talk to her about pain and heartbreak while he was hurting her all along.

She couldn't stand how, right now, she was feeling like every piece of her soul was crushed, while he was utterly clueless of it all.

Every step he took, every sound he made, reminded her again and again of how angry she was. Every single message she had just seen was shooting through her mind as he came closer; with a constant reminder that the person who said all these terrible things about her was only a few feet behind her, in the very same room.

Every thought she had, added to the anger and the utter uneasy feeling that was creeping up her body. But her racing thoughts were very quickly cut off when she heard his voice.

His voice - a voice that would usually calm her down and silence every thought she had, but now made her blood run cold.

"What are you doing, baby? I thought you wanted to close your eyes and relax for a bit?"

Indigo breathed in a sharp breath at the sound of his raspy voice coming from right behind her, but she didn't move. She kept her back to him and her eyes glued to the phone, and she only briefly let the room fall awfully quiet before she broke the silence again.

"I'm almost done with her anyway," she quoted directly from the screen, reading out one of Harry's very own messages to Silas.

Her voice was low as she spoke, the words falling from her lips with a slight vibration as her entire body was trembling massively with rage, but she didn't give in to it just yet. She just sat as still as she could, her back still facing him, while she waited for him to say something.

Her words were followed by another silence, but it didn't take long until Harry sucked in a breath, held it for a second and whispered "what did you just say?"

The hesitation in his soft voice was an instant dead giveaway that he knew exactly what she was talking about. And for some reason, that stung tremendously. It hurt to know he still had a clear recollection of the texts he sent about her, even now. It made her question if they still crossed his mind occasionally when he looked at her.

Though her chest went tight at the thought, Indigo ignored the pain and forced a mocking grin on her face.

"I'm almost done with her anyway," she repeated herself, laughing sarcastically. "Define 'almost' for me. Is that after this trip, or...?"

Harry swallowed thickly. "I don't know what you're talking about, baby. I-"

"Your perfect little plan!" Indigo blurted out as she swiftly turned around to face him, smiling up at him like she was overjoyed by the idea of it. She watched how his face fell as soon as his eyes locked with hers, but she didn't give him the chance to say or do anything as she was quick to shift her focus back to the phone in her hands.

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