chapter 35

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Sitting in a cramped, cold shed with people smoking and doing drugs next to you is definitely different than dancing in a club with your best friend.

If she would have known she'd end up sitting on an old couch in between two guys who were doing lines off a glass coffee table, she definitely wouldn't have said yes to coming to this party.

The party started like any other: Harry introduced her to a few people and they all sat in the living room just talking, playing games and doing shots.

As the night progressed, people started getting drunk, and the drunker people became, the more they craved a cigarette - and so did Harry, of course.

Indigo followed him behind like a puppy when he went outside to light one up; she had been following him around all night since she hadn't found a single person she really liked just yet. At least not enough to stay behind and talk to while Harry went outside for a smoke break.

His "quick smoke break" ended up not being necessarily quick, though. While Harry was finishing his cigarette, Levi - Harry's friend who hosted the party - called them over to sit in the shed in the corner of his backyard instead.

"It's warmer in here."

It's what he told them to convince them, and although it really wasn't that much warmer in there, they stayed there for over an hour.

Smoking cigarettes turned into smoking joints; doing shots turned into sniffing cocaine.

Indigo didn't do any of it though: she just watched the others use all kinds of substances she'd probably never want to touch in her life, while she tried to keep up with the conversation.

Keeping up with the conversation was hard if every single topic that was talked about was something she had no interest in or hadn't even heard of before. All of Harry's friends were just so different from her own, and she honestly wondered how Harry ever thought she was going to have a good time with them.

Ever since they arrived at the party, Harry had been acting completely different too; as if being around these people turned him into a different person. Not only did he laugh at the most horrible jokes, he also told stories in such a nonchalant and cocky way, it reminded her of the old version of him.

She saw the old him in his behaviour so much, she started to wonder if he actually every really changed or if something had just blinded her over time.

The only thing that distinguished Harry from his friends was the fact that he didn't touch any of the drugs they were doing. He barely even looked at it.

Yet he still enjoyed his time in the musty shed so much, he didn't seem to want to go back to the warm living room anytime soon. So Indigo just accepted she was going to be here for a while too.

"Maybe she knows."

She felt an elbow hit her upper arm, catching her attention. Her head shot up, and only when she felt three different pairs of eyes on her, she realised she had been zoning out for the past few minutes.

In fact, she had been zoning out for so long, she never realised how half the people in the shed had left, and it was now only her, Harry and two of his friends who were sat on either side of her.

With her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment, Indigo quickly turned her head to the boy on the left, who's elbow was just digging in her arm.

She vaguely remembered his name was Jonah.

"I'm sorry I wasn't..."

"You're a doctor, right? Do you know a lot about long term drug effects?" Jonah asked, smiling a little.

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