chapter 8

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"You can go back if you want."

Indigo looked at Harry through the cracked mirror in the bathroom they were still stood in. The tap was running, as Indigo had been splashing some ice cold water in her face to try and get rid of the very obvious I-just-had-sex-look.

Harry's cheeks were still flushed bright red, his hair still a mess, and even though he had been looking at himself through the mirror too, he didn't seem to be bothered by it.

After they had stumbled out of the cramped bathroom stall, Indigo almost tripping with every step due to her still weak legs, she had expected him to just leave her behind in the men's bathroom before anyone would see them together.

But surprisingly, when Indigo walked up to the sink, complaining about the fact she just looked so fucked, Harry placed himself in the corner of the room and just watched her as he patiently waited for her to be done.

"'M good," he mumbled as an answer, now looking down at his hands as he was playing with the dark blue lighter that had been sitting in the pocket of his pants.

Although Indigo was slightly confused by his decision to wait for her, she didn't further question him. She didn't let his presence rush her either; after repeatedly splashing water in her sweaty face, she carefully dried it with some unused paper towels, before trying to brush the knots out of her messy hair with her fingers, which took her a while.

Harry didn't say a word throughout it all; he barely even moved other than constantly spinning the wheel of his lighter to make a flame come out of it.

The fact that no one had entered the bathroom during the the entire time they had been in there, almost made Indigo forget they were still in the men's bathroom. Only when the door suddenly flung open when her fingers were still in her hair, brushing through yet another knot, she remembered where she was.

The very obvious stare she got from whoever was standing in the doorway, made her freeze instantly. She didn't even look back at him; she just looked at Harry through the mirror yet another time to see if he was as startled as she was.

Surprisingly, he wasn't. In fact, he barely even batted an eye at the guy who was now walking over to one of the bathroom stalls, clearing his throat awkwardly before he pushed it open and disappeared in it.

"I'm just gonna- I'm gonna pee in the other bathroom," Indigo quietly announced to Harry, who had his eyes on his lighter again, still playing with it. Her soft voice that filled the still quiet bathroom caused Harry to look up again though, and all he did was nod shortly before pushing his body off the wall, waiting for her to walk to the door so he could follow her.

Still confused by the fact that he seemed to want to be in her presence now, even though someone had already seen them, Indigo just turned around and made her way to the door, hearing Harry's shoes hit the floor as he followed her right behind.

Before she could even reach for the door, the palm of Harry's hand hit the door and he pushed it open for her, standing closely behind her as he did so. Indigo frowned a little at his gesture, but just silently made her way into the hallway, walking over to the door at the right side of the men's bathroom door.

She didn't once look back at Harry and neither of them said a single word as she disappeared into the women's bathroom. Assuming Harry was now making his way back into the crowded part of the club, Indigo took her time to look in the mirror again, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

There wasn't much to fix about her appearance again, since she did most of it in the other bathroom, but she still turned the tap back on just to hold her palms underneath it this time, knowing it helped her body relax.

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