chapter 30

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Studying is extremely hard when you do it with someone you can't keep your eyes off.

It had been an hour and Indigo had only been able to go over the terminology listed for chapter seven - a total of twenty words.

Her inability to study didn't only come from the fact that she couldn't stop her eyes from constantly darting down to Harry's lips whenever he was just trying to read of one of her flashcards. It came just as much from the fact that Harry was only ever able to read a single card before rambling about something totally unrelated.

She knew he did it on purpose: his eyes were shining in amusement whenever she groaned in frustration from the way he just went on and on about something she couldn't care less about. And although she kept telling him to stop or get out of the room so she could just study on her own, he continued doing it and she continued letting it slide - because she honestly just didn't want him to leave just yet.


"The..." Indigo squinted her eyes as she tried to remember the meaning of the word. "Reduced vision in one eye?"

Harry pursed his lips as he read from the card again. "Caused by...?"

"Abnormal visual development early in life?" Indigo hesitantly cited from how she thought she remembered seeing it on the flash card earlier.

"Correct," Harry nodded, putting the card on the bottom of the pile in his hands. "Whatever the fuck that means."

Indigo chuckled, a faint smile staying around her lips as she roamed her eyes over Harry's face. The smile vanished quickly though, when Harry spoke again.

"Did you know frogs use their eyeballs to eat? I remember having a friend in high school who-"

"Harry," Indigo interjected his sentence before he could tell her another useless fun fact of which she wasn't even sure it was true. He was probably just making stuff up to mess with her.

"Hmm?" Harry hummed, a wide smile on his innocent face. "Do you not like frogs, Indy?"

"No," she bluntly responded. "Just move on to the next card before I kick you out of the room."

"You know..." Harry rested the palms of his hands on his knees as he was sat in a cross-legged position on his bed, facing Indigo. "You've been saying that for a while now but you never actually try to kick me out. What's that about?"

Indigo rolled her eyes, ignoring his question and just pointing at the flash cards he laid face down in his lap. "Read the next one please."

"Not before you tell me why you refuse to kick me out," Harry stubbornly argued, a cocky smile on his face.

"Because this is your room," Indigo mumbled, shrugging. "I can't kick you out of your own room, now can I?"

"Why not?" Harry tested her. "You could even just go to another room if you were really that sick of me. But you haven't moved once."

"Harry just-"

"I've been annoying you on purpose but you don't seem to wanna do anything to stop me," Harry cut her off, still determined to get an answer out of her.

"I know you have," Indigo mumbled as she leaned forward to take one of the flashcards from the pile in his lap, reading the word on the front - tachycardia.

"So why are you letting me?" Harry asked.

Indigo shrugged again. "It's boring to study alone."

"Is that it?" Harry questioned, tilting his head.

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