chapter 22

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Her bare feet hit the marble steps as she made her way down the stairs. Her t shirt was still tucked into the shorts the quickly put on, and she didn't even care that they were his clothes she was wearing right now: she just wanted to get out of his bedroom as quick as she could.

Her heart was racing, pounding in her eardrums, accompanied by her quick and heavy breaths. She couldn't get the image of him hanging above her out of her mind. Worse even, she couldn't get rid of the feeling on her lips.

And he barely even touched them.

She didn't even know where he was right now, and if he was following her downstairs, but she prayed he'd just stay in his bedroom. She didn't want to face him just yet - scared to feel again.

Her hands were still shaking and her legs still tingling as she opened the living room door. Instantly, she was met with the strong smell of alcohol, coming from the empty bottles that were spread all over the floor.

The room was dead silent though: every guest had gone home, and the living room finally looked like how she remembered it from the first time she set foot into it - except it was a lot messier.

Slowly and carefully, Indigo made her way further into the room, her eyes big as she scanned them around it. Not only was the floor covered with bottles of every drink possible, there were also hundreds of empty cups and glasses laid in every corner of the room, accompanied with burnt out cigarettes and the very ends of smoked joints.

It was a mess.

She made her way to the other side of the room, thinking twice with every step to make sure she wouldn't step in a piece of glass with her bare feet. Once she almost made it to the kitchen, which she remembered to walk through to get to the club where her phone probably still was, she got stopped in her tracks by the sound of dishes clattering.

That must be Harry's cleaner, and god Indigo's heart broke for her. Looking at the mess in the living room only, she guessed it would take at least a full day to clean the entire house. The least Indigo could do was help.

Determindedly, she made her way to the kitchen door to open it, but she stopped in her tracks yet again when her eyes didn't fall on the cleaner, but on Lily.

"Lils?" she breathed out confusedly, her eyes shifting between her friend and the dishes in the sink that Lily was washing up before she placed them in Harry's dishwasher one by one.

Lily's head shot up at the sound of Indigo's voice saying her name, her eyebrows raised as her eyes scanned over Indigo's body in surprise.

"Good..." She paused when her eyes fell on the side of Indigo's neck, making Indigo realise how there were obvious love bites on there that she had totally forgotten about. The sight of them only made Lily raise her eyebrow even more, before she locked eyes with Indigo again, grinning a little.


Indigo felt her cheeks heating up a little in embarrassment, and she awkwardly wrapped her arms around her stomach as she stammered "what are you, uh... what are you doing?"

Lily chuckled again, her eyes on the dishes in the sink again as she picked up another one to hold it under the boiling hot water coming from the tap.

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