Who is she?

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I woke up? I'm not dead? What happened? Where is this?

I slowly tried to stand up and balance myself with the vehicle that was next to me. I can feel and hear the glass crunching as I move a bit. I look around and see a street free of people. I see cars here and there but still no people. Maybe they're inside? I try making my way towards the closest building but immediately stop when I feel a sharp pain on my left leg, so I look down and see bandages covering my calf.

Should I wait for someone to come help me? But I see no one, so I make my way to that building. The one that's right in front of me, it's only like 5 steps ahead of me. I get there, start pushing and pulling on the door since it wasn't opening, so I start banging the door with my fists. I open my mouth to speak, to let someone know I'm here but I can't; my mouth feels so dry and it hurts so much. Whenever I tried to speak I'd end up coughing what I think is a little blood and I don't think I want to know what else is in it because it was some small dark mushy solids. I guess speaking is out of the option now.

I make my way towards the other buildings that were close by and all of them are closed until I smell the most delicious aroma ever and decide to follow it. It led me to a building with an open wide door and broken windows.

What happened there? I try to get there faster but it's kinda hard when my leg hurts so much after walking for some time. Maybe I should rest? But I can't! Not until I find someone! I enter the building and it's a mess inside. There's so much stuff on the ground, glass and blood!? Did a fight break out here!? Is someone hurt!? I forget about the delicious aroma and I follow the trail of blood and see someone dead on the ground behind some tables.

Is there a wild animal around? This body looks like a wild dangerous hungry animal got to it. I have to get out of here! What if this animal comes back!? There's no time to rest! I have to get as far as I can from this place! What happened here!?

-----time skip-----

I don't know for how long I've been walking but I think there's a small percentage that I will not bump into whatever did that to that person now... hopefully...

I hear some load noises coming from this street. People? My exhaustion suddenly disappears and I'm so happy at the thought of finding anyone. When I get there I see people shooting and screaming at other people to get away.

What? What is this? What's happening? I get closer and closer and see some people a lot of people growling and gurgling? And a group of five holding guns shooting at the growling ones. What is happening? Why are they hurting each other? Is this like a really bad case of rabies or something?

As I kept getting closer I noticed that the growling ones must be sick or something because their face looks lifeless. I can see those lifeless eyes. They kinda reminded me of zombies because they have a body part missing with their arms stretched right in front of them trying to get to the ones holding the weapons. But why aren't they attacking me? Maybe they're filming a very realistic movie all over the city?

I decided to take a long way and show up behind them to avoid getting in all that mess of blood and guts. Why did they close almost the entire city to film this movie? Maybe there's somebody really famous is here! Some of the zombie actors decide to follow me on my way behind these people. I try clearing my throat before approaching them but it hurts so bad but I have to talk to them! I just have to!

They must of heard me because they start looking all panicked and raise their weapons at me and the other actors that followed me and before they start shooting I tripped over a body. Half their head is missing, I gotta say the props for this movie are really good! I notice all the other actors falling down after the gunshots and there's so much black blood coming out of their heads! It... it looks like the one I was spitting out before! I try crawling my way to them through this mess and see that there are only four people now. What happened to the fifth person? I keep crawling to them and see the fifth person on the ground with some of the "zombies" eating him. The...the...the props looks really good... I keep telling myself. They are hollowing his chest out now. I didn't see them switch out the actor with that fake corpse.

Why does he smell so good!? Why!? I try to get to the people screaming and "killing" the zombies to maybe ask them to help me, that is if my throat finally decides to work! As I try getting up I see a truck barreling through the crowd of zombies and someone yelling at them to get in.

I have to go there! I get back up and limp as fast as I can to grab a young man by the arm, open my mouth to try to ask him what's happening but more blood and gurgles come out, he snatches his arm back, tries to shoot me!? Realizes he has no more bullets, calls me a monster and hits me in the head with the back of the gun and I fall back down.

"Get away from us!" He yells.

I touch my head, it hurts. Am I bleeding? This movie is definitely going for it's realism but why hurt me? I'm not part of it! I try getting up again and see the fifth person get up from the ground, so I go to them, try to ask them what's happening but words never come out just the black blood. I see what remains of his insides fall to the ground whenever he walked. I take a step back in fear, look to the right and jump back again in fear when I see a zombie lady with the most palest soulless eyes looking at me, with so much black stuff surrounding her lips going down to her chest, messy black hair with dirt and leaves in it, raise my hand up to check if I'm bleeding and the lady does the same thing. Is that me? Am I one of those things? What's happening? Who is she? Who am I?

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