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The next day we left the little shack on the second floor of the mall and went out looking for functioning cars. We managed to find one and put in all of the supplies we could fit in it.

"You know? I'm so surprised that there are almost no zombie monsters here because I thought that" He points to the building I'm staying at? "abandoned research building would be releasing more deadly crazy monsters but so far I've met a few easy killable ones who attacked us when we came and then that big fellow from yesterday and you which was like maybe five?"

"Juu... Ju...Jugg...Jugger...Juggernn...Juggernaut." The word finally came out!

"What's a juggernaut?"

"Big. Guy." Now these words are easier to say.

"You mean the guy from yesterday?" I nod. "So his name is Juggernaut?" I nod again because that's what I call him.

"Okay! Hopefully we won't run into him again today!" I give a closed mouth smile and nod yet again.

"Question. Do you know how to drive?" He looks at me sheepishly with a hand behind his head as he leans on the car.

I look at him for a second and then look away in awkwardness.

"So it's a no I'm guessing. Alright I can drive but it's going to be kinda hard since my leg is throbbing." He chuckles.

I get on the drivers side.

"Wait! I thought you said you couldn't!?" And so just shrug at this.

"So can you?" I shake my head.

I point at me and say "Heellppp" and then I point at him.

He chuckles. "Look I appreciate you wanting to help but I can manage driving for a couple of hours. I know a secret fast way to get there! I assure you that we'll be there before the sun sets today!" He talks a lot with his hands too because whenever he talks his hands move with him too.

I scoot over to the passenger side, he gets to the drivers seat, turns on the car and this is where our journey to his camp begins.

-----time skip-----

We've been in this car for hours and Lewis doesn't stop talking. I'm impressed that he hasn't run out of things to say by now.

I've learned a couple of things now. That the other monsters or zombies that still have a conscience all live in a building closest to the gate in the camp and that is because if a monster were to break in they'd have a higher chance of survival and can help protect the rest of the camp. There is only four of these people like me in this camp. He says that since they couldn't remember their names that the people of the camp helped name them. He also said that some of them were lucky enough to have a family member or close friend who knew them and could help them with their identity as soon as they turned and forgot.

He explained how his brother was one of those and that his name was Aaron. Then he explained that they weren't exactly blood related but he still considers him his brother because Aaron was married to his blood sister who's called Susan.

So that's why Susan was more hysterical than the others that day. She thought she lost her brother.

Lewis tried to tell me of every person who lived in the camp and explained what each and everyone of them like and hate and what they do.

After a long while of talking he started to sing and then he started explaining car games, so we played car games the rest of the way.

I got to see many strange monsters on our way to the camp which was only four cities over the one I was in but luckily the car was fast enough to lose most of them and other monsters I had to fight. The fights were pretty easy.

"We're here!"

I zoned out ages ago so I don't really know what he's talking about till he touches my hand and repeats what he said.

I look up ahead and notice big metal doors surrounded by huge metal walls. They look so easy to climb and destroy though. Is he sure this is a safe place? I look at him in question but he's not looking at me he's looking up ahead with a big smile on his face and waving.

Lewis parks the car, limps to the front of the car, sits on hood of the car, starts talking to the people who are up on the wall and beckons me to come out with him after a short time. I pull up my hoodie with my hair to the side and go stand near to where Lewis.

"This is!...oh...umm...Ah ha! This is the person who we called Runner! She helped us look for supplies before and she saved my life a few times too!" I don't understand how he's so happy because these people are pointing guns at us. I get closer to Lewis getting ready to take him in my arms and carry him to safety if they dare shoot us. I can feel some bugs moving in my mouth ready to be released if they shoot.

I hear a bit of a commotion, they lower their guns and the gate opens a bit enough for a couple of people to come out. I don't recognize any of those people. It's not the other three people who were always with Lewis.

"Lyn! Xavier! Conner! Mary! Chris! It's nice to see you guys again!" He just mentioned everyone who came out and waved at the person as he said their names so now I know who they are.

Almost everyone smiles but it's a sad smile. Lyn answers "It's nice to see you too, Lewis but now we're going to have to check if you're infected or not because not everyone stays in the same state as Aaron, Evan or the twins."

"Oh okay! I'm just going to say that the injuries I have are all from falling." Lewis tried to explain himself as he stands up so that Lyn, Conner and Mary can check him for any possible infection points for the virus. If he were infected his veins would start to turn black and spread to his entire body, he'd start to have nose bleeds, convulsions as that darkened black blood runs down his nose and mouth.

How do I know this? I know this because when I was tied up in that place they'd bring newly infected people and see it happen again and again.

They seem like the they're done checking because they all look so relieved and some of them even start to cry as they hug him. I hear a commotion by the gate again and see Susan and which I'm assuming is Aaron because of his soulless sunken eyes and his unnatural complexion. They both run up to him and pull him in a hug too.

While everyone is hugging and crying I feel so happy for witnessing such a touching a moment and yet so awkward. Should I go sit in the car again?

As I start heading to the car again I hear Lyn tell me to stop motion to Conner and Mary. They walk up to me and stop as Chris and Lyn point their guns at me.

Lewis tries walking up to me while waving his arms in the air "Wait! Stop! Don't even think about shooting! She's my friend and she saved my life several times! Plus she's like Aaron too! Show them!" Lewis looks at me now.

I take off my hood and lift my head to face them. I hear Mary gasp and people murmur in surprise.

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