Army Of Three

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The drive to Moon City went smoothly. We encountered some Mob type monsters that were easy to out run with the cars, met one Mob Boss on the way but it was quite easy to take care of. After Alice saw those giant spider legs coming out of my back she looked like she was going to puke because of the noises they made when coming out but she didn't.

Everyone else thought they were cool at least thats what I think since they kept saying things like "I'm so glad you're with us~"

At least Alice stopped talking about ditching me and Aaron.

We made it to the location they sent us but the only ones here were Lyn, Xavier, Susan and me in case things do not go well. The others were at a safe distance watching us. We wait for a couple of minutes when three people come out from behind a building.

"Are you Lyn?" The woman on the right asks while the other two look wary of us; especially me.

"Yes, I am and who might you be?"

"I'm Palla, this is Ava and Ricky."

Everyone exchanges a quick greeting.

"So you wanna join the fight to defeat those tyrants?" Ricky asks.

"Yes but unfortunately we don't have that many resources with us to help you fight with. If you can take us to your camp maybe we can replenish and help you in this fight." Xavier tells them.

"Don't you have a camp? I thought you said you did?"

Lyn speaks. "Technically we do have a camp but it was destroyed by them unfortunately. I know this is too much to ask since you don't really know us but if we join forces with your camp I'm sure we can help you fight them back."

Ava winces and speaks fast. "Sorry guys but our camp was destroyed by them too and we're barely making it by. I thought that maybe we could join your camp and work extra hard there to defeat them."

Palla and Ricky both hit her on the arms since she was in the middle. Ricky whispers quite loudly in Avas ear. "We weren't supposed to say that!"

"I thought you said you had an army when we chatted on the radio yesterday!"

Palla looks at Lyn straight in the eyes and responds. "Technically you never asked us how big our army was, so technically I wasn't really lying. We-" she motions at the three of them "are an army of three."

Lyn, Susan and Xavier looked so shocked at her statement.

"You could've told us! We came so close to that dangerous city for nothing!" Susan yells at them in frustration.

Everyone started to argue about the other group not being truthful. They were making so much noise we attracted a couple of Mob zombies. They don't seem to notice them and their getting closer. Lyn told me to not use my spider legs until we're sure we can trust them. I don't know if I should or shouldn't, so just I walk to everyones line of sight and point to were those Mob zombies were and everyone starts killing them with guns, knives and machetes.

"We should find a place to stay for the night." Lyn tells us.

"You can stay with us." Ava tells us.

"We need to discuss this wait a moment." Xavier tella them.


After discussing it for awhile Susan went to get the others. They hid the vehicles before coming over. Now we're all in their campsite talking about the group that calls themselves The Soldiers.

They said that their campsite one day suddenly got attacked by them, that they took anything they wanted even people and killed the rest that were deemed useless but them. They said that a few of them survived, one of them made flyers to get more people to help them but that nobody contacted them until us.

They also said that they got an invite for the people left in the camp but that it was a trap. Palla said that she barely made it out.

Everyone here felt more sadder after hearing what happened to them. Maybe we should've contacted them sooner to learn about the true danger of the group that calls themselves The Soldiers but now it's too late.

"I have a question. How come there aren't as many Mob Bosses here since we're closed to that place?"

Ava answers. "A Mob what? What's that?"

"I know! It's the zombies who aren't normal  zombies anymore because they can fly, jump really, high or are like really, strong!" Lewis answers her.

"Huh okay. What about the others that are stronger than that? I heard one in the North that can kill just using his mind and I also heard of one here in the West."

My eyes are about to pop out of my head. There's one here!? I forgot there was one here in the west!

"Yeah I remember I told Stella about it when we first met. Oh! I almost forgot that Stella is from the same city as that Final Boss!" Lewis exclaims.

The same city!? Wait was it there? Maybe by the Research Center? The place I used to  live with my bugs? I'm so glad I didn't explore the other floors because Final Bosses sound so scary! 

"Yeah I think we met the Final Boss there and it's even a miracle that you're still alive Lewis. That thing was huge. Wait I never asked how did you save Lewis from that thing?" Susan tells me.

Everyone turns to look me.

"Didn't I tell you?" Lewis asks.

"No, you didn't. All you said was that she saved you but not how."

"Well she helped me hide from it, that was about it." Lewis tells her.

Everyone talked until nightfall because mostly everyone went to sleep except for me and Aaron. We were keeping guard of this place. I'm outside by the door fighting off and killing every Mob zombie and every Mob Boss that approaches me and tries to attack while Aaron left a while ago because he said he needed to confirm something.

It's so weird that I'm a city away from my bugs in Luz City. They're so close.

I was done killing a couple of Mob Bosses when I see Aaron in the distance running up to me. I get ready to pounce and attack whatever is chasing him but I see nothing, so I make my spider legs come back into my back and get ready to ask him if he confirmed whatever it was that he needed to confirm but he pulls me inside with a tug and closes the door.

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