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The next morning when I went to where everyone stayed the night because nobody wanted to be alone which was the radio room; I noticed that there were less people than yesterday here and assumed they went to see if they could find anything from what had remained from their homes.

So I decided to sit in one of the corners of the room and wait for when we had to leave. Because before the sun went down yesterday some of us packed as much food, water and weapons we could find.

All we have to do is pick up the bags and leave because nothing else was a miss at least that was what I thought before Lyn, Aaron and Susan come barging in the room arguing.

I wonder where Lewis is.

Those three stop arguing as soon as they step in, the people in the room were curiously staring at them some in question and others looked angry.

Lyn takes a deep breath before speaking. "I...we...we got some bad news." She takes another deep breath and looks away from us. "Excuse me for a moment." Susan touches her shoulder in comfort, leans in, whispers something in her ear, Lyn just nods and leaves the room with Aaron following behind her.

Susan clears her throat. "The bad news is that Conner and a few others have already left with some of our supplies, that's why there aren't as many of us now."

I knew I should've stayed guard here but the others assured me that it was okay to rest and heal after what happened yesterday.

"When did this happen?" Xavier asked and another guy I only met once answers with so much guilt. "The people that attacked before left instructions on when, how and where to meet them if they wanted a chance to join their community."

"How do you know this?" Xavier asks him.

"Because they discussed it with a few of us last night before they left." John the same guy tells him.

A woman called Alice started shouting "And you didn't think to tell us!?"

"I'm so sorry I didn't! I thought everyone knew! " John says

"Calm down people! John was the one who alerted us and Lyn but unfortunately when we went to put a stop to them they had already left the premises." Susan shakes her head.

Alice kept throwing accusations at poor John while Xavier tried to defended him. The room grows quiet when Lyn comes back into the room.

"Sorry you all had to see me like that; I just didn't think that Conner would go and risk so many lives like this-" Lyn addresses us, then she turns look at the people that Conner didn't offer them a chance to go with him, especially Alice who was verbally attacking John. "Just yesterday these people calling themselves The Soldiers came, raided, killed most of us and took the rest. What makes you think this isn't just a ploy to trap and kill the rest of us that remain? Because they already took the people they claimed that they needed. What if it's a simpler way to kill us by coming to them? I gotta admit it was a smart plan because they save resources like gasoline by not coming here again."

Everyone in the room stays silent after that, that silence is broken by the sound of laughter and the door slamming open. Lewis and a little kid I saw before in camp come into the room filled with laughter but stop when they realized that everyone in the room is staring at them.

The kid hides behind Lewis and holds his hand.

"Umm...well we-" Lewis gets interrupted by the people in this room who were John, Alice and Xavier are perplexed in seeing a child here.

"Didn't they take all the children?"

"What's he doing here?"

"I know that kid! That's Rebeccas kid!"

"Wait! Isn't Rebecca d-"

"Enough! Can't you see you're all scaring him!?" They get interrupted by none other than Susan.

She's right the little kid is trembling right behind Lewis.

"Thank you, Susan. What were you going to say Lewis?" Lyn speaks softly and calm.

"I was going to say that me and Finn couldn't find a single functioning car but then I remembered Derricks car collection, went there and found two that work. The two of them have enough gas for the trip to Moon City, so it could probably take us farther if needed to."

After a moment of silence Lewis clears his throat and says "That is all."

"Thats great! Can you and Finn go look for Aaron? And tell him about the vehicles?"

"Sure! Stella wanna come?"

I nod and Lewis, Finn and I leave. Before closing the door I heard them asking about Finn again.

"Finn this is Stella the one I mentioned to you before and Stella meet my friend Finn."

I send him a small wave.

"Cool! Is it true that giant bug legs come out of your back?" The kid is looking at me in wonder while I nod at his question.

"See! I told you!" Lewis says smugly.


They've been talking so animatedly with each other about random stuff. They even tried included me at times.

Just seeing them talk makes me happy and them including me every once in awhile makes me happy too!

I haven't smiled since yesterday but it feels longer than that.

We finally found Aaron guarding the remaining bags and tell him about the two vehicles and all of us start putting supplies into the vehicles which were not that much.

When we were done everyone that was inside came out to join us. There aren't as many of us now because now we're only nine people here. It's me, Lewis, Finn, Susan, Aaron, Lyn, Xavier, John and Alice.

Lyn offers to drive one car and Aaron offers to drive the other car. Alice scoffs at this and rolls her eyes.

"Is something the matter here Alice?"

"Yes! Can't we just leave those two!? I thought they were here for our protection but they clearly failed!" Alice points to Aaron and me.

"Alice they were a part of this camp too. We can't just leave them here." Lyn tries reasoning with her.

"Because they were fed and Jack handled them! And he's now dead! Who's going to deal with them now!?" Alice looks so disgusted that this is even up for discussion.

"We can't leave our family and friends here!" Lewis tells her.

"Shut up! Your opinion doesn't matter here now."

"Don't tell my brother to shut up! If you don't wanna travel with them you could always just stay here and wait for those people to come back. Who knows maybe they'll take you away."

"Everyone quiet now! We need to leave now because if we don't! We risk being out here at night and at night twice the monsters come out! Alice, Xavier and John you drive with me. The others go drive with Aaron!" Lyn explains.

"We can't leave that kid to those-" Lyn interrupts her. "Finn is way safer with them than with us. Plus they're taking the bigger vehicle. Okay?"

Alice reluctantly replies an okay back to her.

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