Ruined Plans

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"Heh...he..llllloo." I say. I'm so proud of myself. After practicing for so long I can finally say some words even if it takes me some time to say them now.

For some reason I've always practiced my speech alone even if my bugs are here because they remain unmoving in a sleeping state most of the time unless I bring food to them. It feels so lonely here. I get up and head to the giant circular elevator shaft where giant spider legs emerge from my back. I've already gotten used to the pain. I don't make my giant spider legs come back into my back until I am over the wall and slowly make my way back to the mall where I plan to spy on that group of humans again. The monsters that were originally in the mall have never come back again after I deal with them. I've been stalking this group for a couple of days now. Sometimes I let them see me so that I can lead them to more supplies. They know me by now and call me Runner since I'm always running away from them.

They're not here yet so I go back to the same hiding spot that I've always taken in the second floor and wait because I can see and hear what happens in this mall from here.

I can hear voices getting near.

"How come there aren't that many monsters near this place? Isn't that weird and creepy?" Jess says. I'm so happy that I've finally learned their names by now.

"It is but that just means that it's good for us!" Lewis says.

"Lower your voice Lewis. I will not tell you again." Susan tells him in a strict voice.

"Do you even remember what Lyn said the other day when she found out we were getting our supplies from this place?" Jacob tells the other guy.

"Don't remind me." Jess says as her voice trembles.

"We didn't bump into anything deadly in here last time though!" The loud cheery guy called Lewis said.

"Ugh..." Susan rolls her eyes at Lewis.

"Yeah! But she said because that usually means a Boss type monster is lurking here and those are terrifying and nearly impossible to kill."

A Boss type monster?

I was just sitting here hearing and staring at them whenever I could. When I heard a crash coming from below, coming from one of the stores they were in, I hear gunshots and screams; so I take a quick look and noticed another monster zombie freak who isn't me. I call them Juggernaut because he's so big and strong and unbeatable. Every time I think I've killed him he comes back to annoy and hurt me. The only good thing is that he can't climb at all so I usually jump to a high building and take the high ground just to avoid him, the bad thing is that he'll try to take down whatever it is I'm standing on to avoid him and he usually succeeds in taking it down.

I'm so afraid for them because guns are not enough to stop him. I see them successfully run and hide except for Lewis. They're screaming for him to run faster but suddenly the floor starts to break and Lewis and Juggernaut fall through the floor to the basement.

Jess and Jacob pull Susan away from the hole as she screams, cries and tries to jump in too to save him. They talk to Susan, she reluctantly nods and they all leave. As soon as they leave I look down below and see Juggernaut and Lewis on the ground covered in rocks not moving. Is he dead? By that I mean Lewis because I know Juggernaut is not dead I've pushed him from higher places and yet he still lives.

Giant spider legs emerge from my back as I slowly use them to get down to where Lewis is and use them to get the ruble and rocks that was on top of him. I wrap my human arms around him and pull him out from where he was. I take him to the second floor and where I usually hide from them which is a small booth located in the center close to the handrails on the second floor.

I go out again and grab one of the boxes that their group was going to take and sit there patiently hoping for him to be fine. As soon as I see a sign of him moving I'll leave because he's alive and his group will most likely come back for him.

-----time skip-----

The sun has gone down and the Juggernaut left ages ago and Lewis is still not moving. Maybe he is dead... No! I'm going to wait till sunlight and then I'll leave if he doesn't move by then. I close my eyes and rest my head against my knees waiting for him to wake up.


All this time I didn't move and the sun is starting to rise. I guess he is dead. I feel so sad even if I didn't personally know him. I'd just stare from a far at their little group whenever they came here.

Just as I was thinking of leaving I hear a groan. I get on my knees and slowly start crawling out of there because I don't want him to see me but I was too slow because he grabbed hold of my arm.

"Wait... you're that runner. Did you save me? Please don't go..." He says in the most quietest voice I've ever heard from him.

For some reason I decided to take a seat right there without facing him. I know I should leave because I am one of the infected and once he sees my soulless sunken eyes and my pale face he'll know what I am but I don't want to because this is the first time I get to talk to someone who doesn't want to kill me or experiment on me and that thought kinda makes me happy and exited.

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