Getting To Know People

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While trying to rest I was interrupted from it by some unholy sounds, so I got up to investigate. The closer I got to the unholy sounds the more afraid I felt. I stumbled into Aaron.

"Woah! What are you doing!?" He tried to whisper yell as he took a good look at my scared and confused face.

He sighs and reluctantly says. "That's Evan and Martha having some... very personal and intimate time together."

People like us can do the deed!? I grimace.

"You should probably go back to your room, rest and try to ignore that as best as you can. Sorry but I can't allow you to wander at night." He looked at me sorry.

I go back to room and try to ignore that.


The next morning when the sun was shinning through my window. I went to that big room where I met the other four, hear some people talking and to my surprise I could smell and see their messy faces as they ate something raw and very dead. The blood looked red so whatever they were eating was not infected.

Evan sees me and motions me to come over. "Don't look so afraid this is a dead animal that was caught and brought to use it helps us deal with the hunger. Don't be afraid to grab some too." He was the only one that spoke to me since the twins just ate while looking at the ground because Aaron was not here.

I didn't dare make eye contact as he continued talking to me as he ate to tell me that Aaron ate, left a couple of hours ago and that he was waiting for me by the gate. I mutter a quick thanks and try to leave because I'm not hungry since my spiders ate and they have enough food for the time being.

"Wait! You're not going to grab something to eat? This is really rare since the food here is scarce. You should eat because who knows when we'll have fresh meat again." He tries to hand me some.

" you."

He tries to convince me again but gave up after a few tries. I honestly don't feel that hungry as long as my bugs back at my place eat something and they'll eat anything even the infected, that's another reason most monsters don't go there anymore like before.

I head to the gate and I receive very few glares from a couple of people telling me to leave and die but I ignore them because I think I'm starting to fit in...kinda...?

I see Aaron talking very lively with Lewis who seems to be on some crutches and decided to head towards them.

"Hey! Did you sleep well!?"

"Lewis you don't have to yell she's right here."

I nod at they both had to say.

"Sorry; force of habit." He looks kinda embarrassed.

"Oh! I also figured out what name I can give you!" Lewis sounds so excited while Aaron just shakes his head at him with a small smile on his lips.

"Stella! Do you like the name Stella? Like a star!"

How does he know I like looking at the stars every once in a while?

"I chose the name Stella because your sweater has a couple of little star designs on them." He sounded so proud of himself.

Oh. It's because of that. I smile at him.

I point at my and say. "Like. Ilike."

"Great!" He tries to clap his hands together but almost fell because of his crutches so Aaron and I rush to help him.

"Haha...I forgot about these."

Lyn and two men show up. "Hello, Stella and you guys." She nods at me and I stare at her in confusion wondering how she knew.

Lewis must have noticed my look because he starts to explain that he got so excited this morning about the name he thought off last night and told everyone he could in his excitement.

Lyn points at one of the guys that was with her and introduces him as Marcus and Jack. She said they they were the other two leaders of this camp.

So he's Martha and Mathew cousin.

"I'm in charge of making inventory of all the items we have, need and distribution within the camp. I'm also in charge of the groups who make runs. You already met everyone in group C." Lyn explains.

"As Lyn said before I'm Marcus, I'm in charge of the canteen and making food that everyone can enjoy with what little ingredients our groups can find."

"That's right! Marcus can cook everything and make it so delicious!" Jack pats Max on the shoulder.

Lyn turns to Lewis. "I almost forgot but Susan's looking for you because aren't you supposed to be in bed rest?"

"Awww come on Lyn! I just wanted to say hello to my savior/friend and give her an awesome name!"

"You already did so I think you should head back. Here I'll help you." Aaron kneels down and offers Lewis a piggyback which he gladly takes.

Aaron starts jogging to wherever Lewis needs to be as Lewis laughs loudly as he's being carried away.

Lyn clears her throat. "Anyways this is Jack-"

Jack interrupts her. "And I'm in charge of the security here. You and I will be working together in the future a lot."He noticed Lyn glaring at him.

"Sorry for interrupting ya but I can talk too, plus I've warned ya about this before." He says with a nonchalant shrug.

She huffs.

Marcus chimes in "He's right."

"Ya can say the other stuff if ya want."

"No, you're right. Sorry about that Jack. You can continue."

"I also work closely with Aaron and the others when we get surrounded at times but that rarely happens. It's not that terrible out here."

"Yes we're really lucky that we don't encounter any killers here and by killers I mean the monsters that want to kill us immediately when they see us." Marcus explains.

"We're lucky we mainly encounter Mob zombies here, these are normal zombies that don't have any special ability like flying or super strength or anything special really, then there are the Mob Bosses these type zombies which have crazy abilities and are really hard to kill at times and then there's a Final Boss type zombie monster they're stronger than Mobs, Mob Bosses and are nearly impossible to kill but thankfully they're really rare. Rarer than Mob Boss monsters." Lyn continues to explain.

"We're so lucky we ain't living in the North because apparently they have one of these Final Boss type monsters over there that can kill ya without even moving from his damn spot. According to some people that come from the north this monster has a type of telepathy or was it telekinesis? I don't know and don't wanna find out." Jack tell me.

Marcus shudders. "I can't imagine meeting a Final Boss type monster with that type of power."

"Haha! Don't forget we have one here in the West but fortunately it stays in one city!" Jacks tells us.

I just quietly stand there taking in all they're saying.

Hopefully I won't get to meet that type of monster they're talking about because they sound so terrifying. More terrifying than Juggernaut and was there really a Final Boss here in the west? Hopefully I never meet them.

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