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With Aaron still dragging me in to where everyone was sleeping. He let's me go, runs up to John, grabs him by his shirt and starts dragging him outside.

Ever since he grabbed John by the shirt caused him to start yelling which caused everyone to wake up and grab their weapons.

Everyone is asking Aaron questions while Alice is screaming "I told you so he was going to kill us!" at everyone.

I follow behind Aaron in question and stop him from opening the door while dragging a yelling and crying John.

Aaron finally, speaks. "Lewis where did you say you found these cars again? And please be honest this time!"

"In the-" Aaron shakes his head at Lewis and he stops talking.

"They were outside of the camp hidden in some bushes towards the back of the wall and I brought them in. But they really are part of Dereks collection! That was what John said! He said Derek had emergency cars outside in case the ones in his garage ever broke! And the ones in the garage were all destroyed!" Lewis tells him.

"Have any of you seen Derek leave his precious cars outside of camp before? How come the cars are clean? How come they look so brand new? I would've understood why if they were in Dereks collection in his garage. Xavier you were part of the patrol team on camp did you ever see any cars hiding there before?"

"I've never seen any cars there before on the back of the camp and on the same day of the attack I made patrols all around the outer side of the wall, I never saw any cars there." Xavier says.

"John!" Lyn yells at him in disappointment.

"Why the fuck would you lie to my brother!?"

"I...I... I didn't!"

John kept trying to deny it but stopped when Aaron threatened to throw him outside.

"I'm so sorry! He was the only person who would believe a lie like that and after everyone left these people came to me with an offer last night on the radio while everyone slept! They told me that if I gave you the cars for this journey that they'll give me a high rank amongst them! Any of you would do the same in my shoes! I mean look at Alice! She'd do the same in a heartbeat!"

"Yes, you're right I would but I at least would've been honest about it and not deny it like a little bitch John!"


Our whole building shook. Everyone's panicking.

"What's happening!?"

"Shit! They're here! There were some trackers in the car!" Aaron answers.

"Hahaha I knew they'd come for me!"

"Introduce me John!" Alice demands.

"Come on! There's another way out over here!" Palla tells us.

Everyone tries to grab all the supplies they had except for John and Alice because John ran outside to go meet with The Soldiers and Alice quickly followed him while we try escaping the way Palla mentioned.

"Where are we going?" Xavier asks the group of three as soon as we started climbing a hill and hiding behind rocks and buildings.

Lucky there aren't any zombies or monsters our way because thanks to the commotion The Soldiers were making down there all the monsters were attacking them.

"We're getting as close as we can to the border of Luz City because I don't think they're crazy enough to follow us there!" Palla answers him.

"This is suicide!" Ricky tells her.

"Wait! Why is this suicide!?" Lewis asks.

"Because Luz City has a what you call  the Bosses of the Mob Bosses or the Final Boss I don't know how you labeled them! Last thing I heard about this place is that the Monster there was expanding its territory and has taken over the city, so it's virtually impossible to get in the  city without dying!"

"But we were in the city a couple of months ago and yeah there were a lot of Mob bosses there but the Final Boss didn't look like the type of guy that can do that to be honest!"

Hearing that makes me so afraid because what if I'm not strong enough to fight this Final Boss monster that most likely escaped the Research Center. What if I can't protect them?


We ran for so long that we actually see the welcome sign to Luz City. I'm positive we lost them because I can't hear anymore loud noises like gunshots and explosions.

We all stop in front of the sign you catch our breath. Everyone here is out of breath except for Aaron and me since we don't really need to breath a lot anymore but sometimes we do out of pure reflex.

After finally catching their breath they start speaking again.

"Are we really going to do this?" Lyn asks us.

"Do you have a better idea? Those guys are right behind us and I doubt they'd want to mess with this type of monster now." Palla tells her.

"But now our choice is to be killed be those guys or this monster. " Xavier says.

"We could go to the mall Stella used to live in before?" Lewis suggests.

"I forgot you used to live there. " Susam tells me.

"You used to live here?"

"That's not a bad idea!"

"Lead the way!"

Everyone spoke at the same time.

"Follow. Me" I told them and now we're all walking towards the mall.

I forgot that nobody knows that I used to live in the Research Center with my bugs. The only reason I even met them was because the mall was fun and I could discover new things everyday there.

Hopefully nothing will attack us because I remember there being a lot of what they call Mob Bosses here and I always had to either fight or kill them so they'd leave me alone.

I better not bump into Juggernaut now!

I was still lost in my thoughts when we made it to the mall.

Huh maybe I'm still feared in this city and they avoided me! I say this because we didn't bump into a single monster on the way here.

"Follow me! I know where the shack is!" Lewis whisper yells.

"Shack?" Someone whispers.

I try to stay on front of him in case we bump into any monsters in here on our way to the shack but surprisingly it's empty.

We made it to the small shack on the second floor and everyone gets inside except for me because honestly it looks uncomfortable with all those people in there who are complaining about not having enough space.

I sit outside and Aaron joins me. We sit there for the entire night making sure nothing attacked us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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