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Shit! I knew I should've gone back in the car!

I tense, wave and swallow because I felt some of my bugs crawl into my mouth. I need to be careful before speaking because what if a bug comes out while I'm speaking to them? They'll be disgusted and not want me here anymore and I want to be here because my first friend Lewis is here.

"Fudger Nickels!" Lewis almost falls as almost everyone here rushes to help him but Susan helped him first since she was closest to him.

"It's not safe to be loud out here. What if one of those killers spot us?"

"Sorry..." Lewis looks kinda embarrassed.

I guess he forgot to be quiet because I never scolded him before in all our journey. In the city I was in he could be as loud as he wanted because almost all of the zombie monsters feared me and didn't dare face me except for Juggernaut and I could handle him I guess. All I have to do is kill him fast and run to hide before he had the chance to wake up again.

"We should take this conversation inside." Lyn says and motions to the people on the gate. Lewis tries to get inside the car again but Chris stops him and Aaron helps him inside with Susan close to their heels.

Now we're all in, behind the gate and more people come out to hug Lewis including Jess and Jacob.

I guess he's everyone's friend.

The leader and some other people pull Lewis away and scold him about the dangers of stranger danger because everyone he doesn't know is considered dangerous these days. Then Lewis argues back that the most simple solution to that is to get to know them so that they're no longer a stranger or a danger. I try holding back my smile and some laughter when I heard that while I see Susan whack him in the back of the head and smile at him some more.

Now they turn to me. "Listen we don't know who you are-" Susan starts and gets interrupted by Lewis "And neither does she." Some people snort as they try to hold back some laughter.

"Shut it, Lewis!" She continues but is shushed by Lyn and she introduces herself to me. "Greetings! I'm Lyn one of the leaders of this camp, that's Susan, Lewis is her little brother and she's in charge of group C who is one of the many groups that are in charge of making runs and looking for supplies..." But before she can continue Lewis interrupts her.

"I kinda already told her all this." He says sheepishly.

"Oh. Well then that's great! The more infected we have fighting on our side the better!"

I notice Susan come back with some people. I didn't even notice that she left in the first place.

"I'll show you where you'll be staying at since the sun is almost down and being outside at night is not recomendable." Someone shows up, whispers something in her Lyns ear and she apologizes saying that she had to leave now.

Now it's me, group C which is composed of all the four people I saw before in that mall.

"So you're Runner. Thanks for helping us at the mall all those times." Jacob a middle aged man says.

"Yeah! It's nice to meet you but Runner is probably not your name so...what's your name? I'm Jess." She puts her hand forward. I guess she wants to shake my hand?

"She doesn't remember her name so why don't we give you one?" Lewis turns to look at me with a questioning smile and I nod happily.

I can't believe I'll finally have a name!

"Maybe you can do that tomorrow. Lyn's right it's dangerous to be out here when the night comes and we should get you to the medical center before that happens. Aaron can show you to where you're staying since he stays at the same building." Susan tell me.

"Awww man..."

"Jacob come help me with Lewis and Jess gather others and take as many as supplies with you to the canteen before the sun goes down."

"Okay. It was nice meeting you!" She waves goodbye at me while Susan and Jacob take Lewis away.

"See ya tomorrow guys!"

I wanna say goodbye to them too!

"Go-good-bye." I wave at them and they smile even harder at me.

"Follow me." Aaron tells me and I'm shocked that his speech is so good.

I follow him to a nearby building that's close to the wall and we head in.


After walking for a bit in silence he takes me to a big room where I see three more other people or more of my kind because their eyes are also so lifeless like mine and Aaron.

They stand up in a panic and grab a weapon.

"Guys starting from today onwards she'll be staying here with us." They seem to calm down and lower their weapons when they heard that.

I hear a bunch of hellos and a hi in the air and wave a hand at them in greeting saying hi to them too.

"My names Evan and this is my girlfriend Martha." He points at the girl cuddling next to him.

Huh I never thought you could date someone else while in this state. Wait who is that person in the corner? Maybe I should wait for him to introduce himself.

"I already got introduced before but I'm Aaron. Sorry I didn't talk much to you before I was just so shocked that Lewis is alive and that there's more people like us-" He motions to everyone in this room.

Aaron probably noticed me looking at the guy in the corner because he introduces him. "That's Mathew, Martha's twin brother they don't really talk much or interact with anyone except maybe for Evan and their cousin Marcus."

I look around for the fifth person that was mentioned but Aaron stops me explaining that "Marcus is a non infected he's in the human part of the camp that's in the inner part."

"Would you like me to show you to your room so that you can rest?" Even though we don't need to sleep regularly I nod at him because resting like that in that state helps us heal whatever injury we attain except if it's a fatal wound because then we die and don't heal at all. That's one of the reasons Juggernaut scares me because he will heal and come back every time no matter how many times you fatally wound him.

He leads me to my room, closes the door and tell me goodnight. This is the first time I've even slept away so far from my bugs but I'm not completely separated from because I can feel some of them crawling in my body as close my eyes to rest.

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