A City Of Chaos

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I noticed that those giant spider legs come out from my back at times when I'm super emotional. I gotta control them better and I think I have the hang of it now...kinda? This whole place is filled with my weirdly deadly giant bugs, there are spiderwebs everywhere. I think I'm almost out of this floor. Why is this place so big?

There's a big metallic door standing between me and my freedom. Two of the giant spider legs come out of my back and clench my fists trying to hold in the pain. They start hitting the door and only leave some dents and small scratches. I need more strength. Two more spider legs come out of my back and I try to ignore the pain as I they keep hitting the door till it falls into a big hole. I guess it's a giant elevator shaft. I hear something mechanical upwards and see a platform moving up in a spiral movement around this giant circular elevator shaft. This place is a giant space with many floors, many platforms and many metallic doors I see.

All of my six spider legs emerge from my back and start climbing up and see so many giant glass windows looking into each floors while I just sway as the legs take me to the higher floors. I see some weird looking monsters that don't look like your average zombies on other floors roaming free. These floors look abandoned except the one I was in. I catch up to the people escaping through a hall, I decided to break this window since the door is quiet far and it may, take me some time. Two of my spider legs hold on to the wall while four of them start hitting the window with so much force that is started to shatter and break.

I hear screams and gunshots as I break in. The spider legs go back inside my back and I jog up towards them. Just as I was about to reach them they open another bigger metallic door and escape through it because the door closed so close to my face. Some the giant spider legs emerge from my back and start hitting the door with so much force. It's taking me too long to make a hole get through it but I finally did it.

I saw an aircraft already in the air leaving and another one about to leave. All of the spider legs come out of my back I ignore the pain, jump up quite high and hit where the pilots are supposed to be with two of the giant spider legs and it goes through so fast. The glass wasn't as strong as the ones in this place. I hear some of my spiders hissing behind me and they start spitting out that the light green substance and it starts melting through the aircraft.

My bugs and I take care of the people inside the craft because people like that who are only trying to worsen this thing called a virus only deserve to die. I'm doing the world a favor I keep telling myself.

I started walking on my own two legs heading to the giant wall to be free and do what? I stopped when I see a man with circular saw blades for hands. When he turned to see me his hands; the circular saw blades started spinning so fast and he charges at me.

The giant spider legs come out from my back again and I jump on top of a building. This man looks like he lost his skin, he's not that pretty and I here I thought I was unpleasant looking. He's just hitting the wall with his blades trying to get to me. I decide to travel to the wall using the high ground, climb up the wall using my spider legs and see a city or what used to be a city.

There's smoke coming from many buildings. Monsters flying, walking and crawling on the streets attacking, killing and eating other monsters. I turn back and head back into this weird compound going back in the way I came from but see some other monsters going in I kill them with the giant spider legs that came from my back and slowly make my way back into the floor I came from.

On my way back I noticed that some spider are as big as humans now and there are spiderwebs almost everywhere now. Maybe I'll find something and learn more about where I am and what's happening. I go to search all the rooms I can in this place and notice that most doors have been melted by that light green fluid and I see so many dead hollow bodies with more spiders coming out of them.

Let's see what I can find!

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