The Bugs

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Now it's just me and this other guard. I continue to glare at him since my throat hurts so much after those things left my mouth. I look down and notice that those round things that came out of me start moving and spiders!? Are those spiders!? Start coming out of them and they head towards the one guard.

The guard is still not looking at my direction probably because he's still disgusted at me. Honestly I'm disgusted at me too. He doesn't notice these bugs starting to crawl up his leg.

The guard winces in pain and looks down. "What the!?" The guard starts to stomp on as many as he can but there are to many they crawl up to his head. They bite him, I see blood dripping down as he attempts to shake them off, hit them off with his hands and stomp them. He screams because they started crawling in his nose, ears and now mouth. The guard falls to the ground unmoving as they crawl all over him.

They looked like normal baby spiders before but the ones that are by the body keep growing. I see the body convulsion a bit. He's still alive? But then I see the most biggest and abnormal spiders coming from within him covered in blood. They started crawling all over the room. I can't believe those things came out of me. I'm so disgusted with myself.

I try to escape again. I struggle against these chains when I see the spiders coming towards me. I start using more of my strength to escape but it's all fruitless. They're on me. I shut my eyes and await for death. Maybe this is for the better. I fall forward. Did they just release me? I see some light green fluid on the chains and it's releasing some smoke as it melts through the chains and the floor.

I'm...I'm free from the table and straps now but what now? I hear the door open and see the guard that left talking to someone else, still not looking ahead at me or the body on the floor.

"Hey sorry I'm a tad late I- " He looks around in shock and fear.

"SHIT!" He tries to press a button on his waist but the big and small spiders jump on him before he even tries. He dies quite fast. I slowly walk towards the door. The only good thing these people did was take care of my wounded leg. It doesn't hurt as much as it did in the beginning.

The lights suddenly started blinking in red. I see people trying to leave but are falling prey to my spiders. I flinch when I hear a gunshot. I see armed people here, they're shooting at my spiders. Why do I feel so sad and angry that they're doing that? I don't know where my courage came from but I'm glaring at marching straight at them. They try to shoot me but the spiders jump in front of me and take the bullets meant for me. I open my mouth to scream at them to stop. I want to leave!

When I open my mouth this time live spiders come from out of my mouth. I hold on to the wall next to me and start dry heaving and this time some sort of flying bugs come from out of my mouth in a swarm and attack the armed soldiers. They start shooting at the air, some accidentally shoot each other. I for some reason feel so proud of all these bugs because they're winning. I see so many spiders coming from the dead bodies they got to before. Its like they're multiplying in there.

I keep making my way down the hall with some giant spiders behind me and some giant mosquitoes now. At least they look like mosquitoes to me.

I see some people up ahead closing some doors and hear more gunshot behind me. I turn to look behind me and see some more armed people coming out of some doors I had just already passed with some weapons and they all fall victim to my bugs. I noticed a couple of the syringes of the drug used to knock me out on my legs and shoulders. I pull them all out. I feel nothing towards those drugs now.

I keep walking as the bugs keep multiplying in the dead bodies and coming out.

Now I have entered a big room that looks like a cafeteria. I'm ignoring everything that's behind me including the screams and the sounds of the bugs tearing through flesh. I see more armored guards in front of me but what are they holding? It doesn't look like a gun. Oh no! It shoots fire!? Fire! I back away from them the closer they get. There are only three with these flamethrowers but they're surrounding me! Is this the end!? They're killing them! They're killing my bugs!

Fuck! Why is my back burning!? They're in front of me not behind me! I checked to see if someone is behind me and see no one so why does my back feels like it's burning!? The pain in my back is too unbearable and now these men are killing us! The fire stops but my back hurts so badly. I'm cowering on the floor waiting for them to kill me but it never comes so I open my eyes just to see them dead. It looks like something big pierced their armor. I try to stand up but did I suddenly get taller? I look down and nope! Am I flying? It looks like it because my feet are not touching the ground. I'm just swaying in the air. I wanna walk on my legs! Why am I so high up? I start moving somehow while I'm on the air.

I still see more armored guards heading towards me but they're not aiming at me...ugh! I almost fell! Whatever they're hitting is hurting me!

"S...ssst..t..." I tried to yell stop but only that came out. I see something huge Pierce their armor it almost like giant bugs legs? I see them impaled them and see someone shoot them. Why am I feeling pain whenever they hurt those legs? Do I feel those bugs pain? No, I don't. I've seen a couple die but I don't physically feel pain I just feel very sad. I'm back in the air this time I catch my reflection in a big window and notice huge spider legs attached to my back!? What!?

On the other side of the window I see movement and see the people who hurt me and bragged about modifying this virus. They all did this to me! I see some of my spider legs hitting the window. I see those people cowering and looking for something. Maybe they're looking for a weapon. The window broke and some of the people in coats got impaled by the giant spider legs when I broke the window. Some of my spiders and mosquitoes go in and finish killing them.

I wanna go in the room and look at the map I see that's in the back but these giant spider legs attached to me won't let me. I feel a sharp pain on my back; it hurt so much and now I'm falling! The spider legs are gone! I stumble into the room and look at the map while I ignore the massacre in this room. I know how to get out of here now.

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