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I've been here for a couple of months now and so far I love it here!

Mostly everyone I've met is super friendly and nice except for a couple of people who hate me and the other four infected that stay here.

They used to complain and show hate but now all they do is glare at us whenever we bump into each other because they try their very best to avoid us, so I rarely see them.

I've gotten hungry a couple of times but after awhile my hunger disappears and that makes me feel relief because that means my bugs are okay and feeding.

In the beginning days of staying here I was missing my bugs back home a lot but found comfort in the ones that are crawling inside of me.

They've managed to escape a few times but after I scolded them they always came back when I open my mouth and they come back in through my nose at sometimes. At first it freaked me out so I told them that they could only come and go through my mouth. Nobody has noticed anything about me and my bugs because this usually happens in my room.

I still see Lewis and his group C a lot though. I also think Susan's warming up to me too because she's less harsh than before. She admitted that she's overprotective of her little brother Lewis because he always find a way to stir up and be the center of trouble.

Today was like any other normal day. I was hanging out with Aaron and Jack talking about a flyer group A found in one of their runs.

The flyer talked about a group called The Soldiers. It was a warning that another camp base made about this group. It said that they are going around raiding, killing and kidnapping in the name of "restoring" peace to the world.

It said that they'll claim it was their right to do so because they deserved everything for being "heroes." It also added a way to contact them because they were looking for more people to help fight against these people who call themselves The Soldiers.

They just left a radio channel there in the flyer to contact them in case you want to know more info about these crazy people.

My speech was gotten way better thanks to practice.

"So what are your thoughts on this group calling themselves The Soldiers?" Aaron said to Jack.

"Well since they ain't bothering us -" Jack shrugs. "Why should we get in a fight that ain't ours?"

"I. Agree. With. You." I tell him making a pause after each word because I have to make sure no bugs escape. Plus everyone here has gotten used to the way I talk they don't really question it since the twins also have some trouble speaking.

I've heard Martha and Mathew speak before and it wasn't that bad but for some reason they afraid of speaking to anyone other than their cousin Marcus and Marthas boyfriend Evan.

Evan told me that the twins have a telepathic connection with each other when he saw my questioning face when I saw the twins looking at each other's eyes for the longest of time yet again without saying anything to each other.

I see somebody snapping their fingers at my face. "Hey! Are you okay? You spaced out a little bit." Aaron asks me in concern.

"If you don't wanna go out on this run today with group C nobody will force ya. You can go rest if ya want since ya have been working hard lately." Jack tells me.

I can tell that they are both concerned for me and I smile and reassure them that I'm okay.

"What's up guys!?" Lewis shouts to us from a far and immediately gets scolded by someone that was next to him.

"Hey guys." Lewis says more quietly and we all tell him a quick hello.

"I see you got someone scolding you again. I'd probably say you like getting scolded." Aaron teases him, Jack laughs loudly and Aaron blushes.

"No I don't!"

We all chuckle at him.

"Lewis my boy ya gotta learn to lower yer tone more because in this world it could cost ya yer own life and the people around ya." Jack tells him.

Jack is like the father figure to a lot of people here in this camp including mine. I really like him even though he seems a little harsh at times everyone knows he cares and means well.

"Oh I forgot to mention that Jess and Jacob can't really make."

"I know why Jess can't make it but why can't Jacob make it?" Aaron asks.

"It's because he went out with group A a couple of days ago because they were short on people and they're still not back." Jack tells him.

"Wait so who's leaving today in group C?"

"Well I heard it was me, you and Stella." Lewis says pointing at himself, then Aaron and finally me.

"Why wasn't I aware of this and isn't Susan part of this group too? Why isn't she coming too?" Aaron has a good point why isn't she coming too?

"Yeah I guess I forgot to mention she was coming too; sorry!"

"Are you Mobs ready or what? Lewis I thought you told them that we were leaving in ten." Susan comes out with some empty backpacks for us.

"He didn't mention that but we've been ready since this morning." He says motioning to me and him.

I noticed that everyone calls Aaron, Evan and me Mobs but they call the twins Mini Mob Bosses because apparently they can do something strong when together. I don't think Lewis told them about the giant spider legs that come out from my back.

Maybe he hasn't said anything for good reason. I think a slip the backpack on as we head out to look for supplies.

—————time skip—————

Looking for supplies went well. Lyn was right about searching this place. We were all talking happily back to camp when Aaron asked us if we could smell burning and hear gunshots but we all said no because we couldn't and then Lewis pointed at something in the horizon. It was smoke coming from the direction of the camp.

We all looked at each other in concern and ran back to camp. The closer we got to camp the louder the sound of gunfire got. We took cover behind some rocks, then we climbed up to them to see what was happening to the camp and we saw our camp people fighting some guys wearing blue armor. By the looks of it the camp wasn't doing that well.

That armor looks so familiar...but where have I seen it? The weird facility that took me? It looks similar but it isn't the same one.

"Shit! This doesn't look good!" Aaron whisper yelled at us.

"Maybe we should turn back and leave! I'm sure the four of us can make it somewhere safe!" Susan told us.

Lewis looked so shock and hurt at her suggestion. "We can't leave! Our friends and family are there!"

"But look Lewis!" Susan points out at some dead bodies on the ground. "It looks like a losing battle!" Her voice now trembles as she speaks. "If we stay we'll die too!"

Wait! Is that Jack, the twins and Evan! They can't be dead!

"We have to do something!" Lewis begs her.

"What are we going to do we're just two humans and two Mobs! Plus we don't have enough bullets for all of them! It looks like they even have a boss type monster with them too!" She says as a guy who was in red armor spitting fire comes out of our camp to burn the dead bodies outside. I slowly get up and make my way to camp.

"Stella! Wait! What are you doing!?" Susan yells at me.

"Stop!" Aaron seems to have snapped out of his shock and tries to stop me but Lewis pushes him aside giving me time to run down.

It's been a long time since I've used those giant spider legs that come from my back because I didn't think it was necessary to use them and freak the people here out with them.

It hurts so much after all this time but they need to stop! They need to pay! We weren't hurting anybody!

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