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As we made our way to where Aaron was taking us, I noticed so many dead people on the ground. This makes me feel sad. So many people I knew are now dead because of those people!

"You know a lot of people were trapped in the burned buildings and so far nobody that was in made it." Aaron broke the silence with a sad tone as we walked.

Susan, Lewis and I looked around some more when he said that. We noticed that there were so many burnt buildings and the closer we got to the center of the camp the more burnt buildings and dead bodies we saw.

"We're here." He opens the door and I see a group of people but as soon as they see us most people leave except for Lyn, Chris and Conner.

They all look so defeated.

"Take a seat." She pointed at some chairs right in front of them. Only Lewis, Susan and I sat because Aaron left the room soon after.

We sit there in silence for awhile till Lewis broke the silence.

"So uhhh why are we here?"

"I only called for you and Stella but I guess it didn't matter if Susan came or not because she was still going to show up because you're here." Lyn tell him.

"Stella why didn't you tell us you're a Boss Type monster? I thought we were friends..." Chris turns to look at me sadly.

As soon as I open my mouth to spook mostly everyone in the room, they tense. "I. Forgot." They relax a bit when I finish talking and notice that nothing comes out from my mouth.

Conner turns to glare at me and yells at me "What do you mean you forgot!? If we knew you had this type of strength then maybe we could've planned things a bit better and maybe-"

He gets interrupted by Lyn. "That's enough!" She turns to glare at him now.

"This was nobodies fault, Conner! And you know it! These people came out of nowhere! I know you're sad that they took your wife and daughter but a lot of people got taken away by them too including my son Bruce, now we've got to work together more now than ever if we want to make it through and find a way to reunite with them again!"

"What do you mean a lot of people got taken away?" Lewis sounds so shocked.

"Who did they take?" Susan asks.

Conner ignores us, looks to the side and starts grumbling while Chris turns to look at Lyn as if expecting her to explain. She just sighs and tells us that aside from the people she had mentioned before that they had taken Marcus and other people who had critical roles here like medics, teachers and cooks. They took a lot of people, especially young people and put them in their vehicles way sooner before we came.

She told that they called themselves The Soldiers, that they took people who they thought had a role to fulfill in their camp and tried to kill all of the ones that didn't.

With each word that came from her mouth everyone in the room got angrier and angrier.

"If they tried to take and kill everyone, then who's still here alive in camp?" Susan asks but nobody answers.

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that now but we'll know soon enough when Aaron arrives." Lyn says.

The door opens and Aaron comes in a grim look on his face.

"Aaron how many people are out there?" Chris asks him. Everyone turns to look at Aaron since everyone here wanted to know his answer.

"Not that many I'm afraid... I only found twenty people here alive in camp and that includes us." There's only silence after he finished speaking because who knows how many they took and how many were killed because a lot of people dead burning inside a buildings here.

We were more than a hundred in this camp and now we're only twenty?

Nobody moved, nobody talked until Aaron spoke again. "The few remaining members of the camp were discussing of contacting the people who made that flyer. The one about joining forces and fighting The Soldiers. Maybe they're right, maybe we should do it, maybe they can help us too."

Everyone in the room agrees now because earlier today everyone in camp was talking about ignoring the people in the flyers because the fight wasn't their concern but now it is their concern.

"Follow me. Everyone is in our building-" Aaron looks at me and continues with what he's saying. "Because it's one of the few buildings that didn't get burnt and the only building with a functioning radio station."

When we arrived to that building I see a some people talking on the radio. I guess they made contact with the group that made the flyers. When the group sees Lyn they make space for her so that she can talk to people who made those flyers.

The other half of the people were all huddled together in a corner comforting each other.

I've met almost everyone in this room before this day. I wish I could go comfort them too but I don't want to make them uncomfortable if they saw what I did to Blaze out there.

I'm just standing awkwardly by the door.

Everyone's doing their own stuff while I'm just standing awkwardly here by the door.

While standing here I saw Lewis approach the group of people and they welcome him with open arms.

Susan is with Lyn over by he radio station. From the corner of my eye I see Aaron approach me.

"So you're not a Mob zombie like me." I don't say anything because he continues speaking. "The most common type of zombie born monster is supposed to be the Mob type but I guess the world's changing yet again." He lets out a humorless chuckle. "It's a good thing we have someone as strong as you on our side."

Susan approaches us and informs us that tomorrow morning we are heading out to meet with this group because they're a few cities next to ours in Moon City because it's not safe to stay here anymore. Moon City is right next to Luz City maybe I can go see my bugs too at some point because it's been too long since I last saw them.

I wonder how they're doing...I kinda miss them again after this whole mess.

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