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I have been through all the rooms on this floor and have found nothing I can understand because everything has a password and the things I have found were some chemical formulas and equations that I don't understand. I don't dare go to the other floors because of what I saw in them. What if they start attacking me and my bugs? I don't know what they can do, plus I kinda like living in peace here. Well it's kinda peaceful at times but there are times when more men come wearing the same armor the guards from here were wearing. They show up from outside trying to kill me and my bugs but they always end up failing.

It's been awhile since they've tried. Hopefully they stopped but now it's kinda lonely here because my bugs don't talk, they just sleep and wake up when something that's not me comes through so that they can eat them.

I've been exploring the city alone these days and discovered that I am in a city called Luz City. I have no idea where that is but what I've learned so far is that the normal looking zombies don't attack me and sometimes the weird looking ones don't either. I noticed that when they think they're stronger than me they attack and try to eat me but when they learn I'm stronger they stop attacking and go hide if they're not dead by then. Sometimes I bring these monsters to where I'm living because the bugs like to play with them and eat them.

The first time I tried to explore the city my bugs tried to follow me out but I told them to stay put and surprisingly they listened. Also I've noticed that ever since these bugs came out from me I haven't gone hungry as long as they're fed and they'll eat practically anything to metals, wood, papers and other monsters. That's another reason I couldn't find much in that floor too since they sometimes eat those. So I just gave up on searching that place I'm staying at.

Today I decided to go to the mall again, a few monsters attacked me on the way but as soon as I hurt and killed some them most of them left me alone. Almost all of the monsters here try to avoid me since I always win in a fight and take one of them to where I live from where they are never seen again.

I found a clothing shop and decided to change my clothing since it's practically nothing now. It was a type of hospital gown but now after all this time and all my fights it's just some clothe barely holding on to me. I got a black hoodie with some little stars designs on them because I like to look at the stars at night sometimes and I also picked some black pants and shoes because then you won't see my black blood dripping down my back when those giant spider legs come out of my back. So that all this black blood isn't noticeable on me when it falls on me.

I hear voices and quickly duck behind the clothes rack.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A woman says.

"I am because most people don't come to this city considering that compound is so near it but that's good news because there's bound to be a lot of supplies here that we can take back to camp!" A man says quite enthusiastically.

"Lower your voice there are monsters everywhere." Another woman says.

"Sorry." He says in a lower tone.

"Yeah but every since we've entered this place we haven't seen that many monsters surprisingly."

"Hey! Don't jinx it!"

As they talk amongst themselves I try sneaking myself out of here. I was so focused looking at the direction that the voices were coming from that I didn't notice the mannequin on the floor, end up tripping and falling.

"Hey did you guys hear that!"

"It came from over there!"

This time I start running on my own two legs. I didn't wanna use the spider legs because then they'll probably start shooting at me and I don't wanna hurt them or be hurt.

"It's a person!"

I hear them running behind me and I try to run faster looking for a place to hide.

"We're not going to hurt you! Please stop!"

I make a sharp turn to the right and hide behind a counter located in the center. Hopefully they won't see me hiding within all this garbage.

"Shit!" I hear one of the men that was so close to catching up to me curse. The others finally caught up to him, most of them were out of breath.

"Did you catch them?" A woman asks.

"Obviously not. Do you see them anywhere?"

"Who are they?"

I would like to know that too.

"I don't know."

"How can they live here?"

"Maybe they belong to some other camp?"

I hear them talking about me and making up theories about who I was. They think I'm just a really lucky person who has only made this far because there aren't that many monsters in here in the mall but they're wrong I'm not lucky at all and originally there were a lot of monsters here but I tried to get rid of all of them a couple of days ago.

I don't move from my hiding spot and I hear them talking about coming again tomorrow because I quote "this place is too good to be true."

Should I come back tomorrow and scare whatever monsters show up? It feels nice looking and hearing people talk without them fearing me or trying to kill me. Even if I'll never talk to them it's nice hearing them and seeing them interact.

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