To be human is to...

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I don't know how much time has passed but all I know is that I am a monster. I eat raw meat and blood because it sates my unbearable hunger when it strikes. I haven't had any human meat only some wild animal meat whenever I see them injured which is not that often but it keeps my hunger at bay. I walk in a group with some other monsters because it is easier to hunt at times and humans are less likely to kill me if I am in a group because while they fight each other I run away. I haven't met a monster with a conscience like me yet.

As I walk I notice that there are so many zombies surrounding that building. There must be humans in there. I hear gunshots coming from inside that building and make my way to the opposite building trying to hide because I do not want to get killed by a human.

I lean against the building and slowly slide down to the ground to sit because my leg never got better. It always hurts but I have gotten used to the pain. I close my eyes for awhile now thinking of where I should go. I open my eyes and look to the side when I see a group of humans trying to open a gate and just ignore them. I'll pretend I'm dead so that they don't see me as a threat if they were to pass in front of me. It worked they poked me with their guns and kept on walking I was so happy they were leaving but one of them stopped and started to whisper fight with the others.

It got so quiet that I thought they were gone, so I opened my eyes, saw them trying to put a leash on me? Is this what pest controlled used for dangerous animals? I hear a couple of cursed words as I begin to move. Now I don't know what happened but everything turned black.

-----time skip-----

When I wake up I find myself strapped down to a table vertically.

Where am I? What happened? Oh...the people! Those humans! What do they want with me!? I've been avoiding them for so long and now here I am about to die!

People in lab protection gear start coming in the room with clipboards looking at some tubes that were connected to me. They switched out some of the tubes out and added some more and these ones burn a lot!

What are they doing? Maybe...maybe they're trying to find a cure and make me human? I just wished they discussed whatever they're doing to me or maybe just explain it out loud in this room so that I can know what's happening.

-----time skip-----

It has been too long in here. I only made out a couple of their words whenever they were here. The words I made out were help, virus and humanity. Maybe they are trying to find a cure! I can be a normal human again and not a monster! These thoughts are the only things that keep me going as they cut me open, electrocute and burn me while I test out all of those painful vials.

Sometimes they bring another infected in here but they never last as long as me, other times they bring in a newly bitten human but whatever they're doing doesn't work because they always end up turning into something more horrible and they die a slow death. I feel so bad for all these people.

-----time skip-----

Someone finally talked about their plans in here with me, I AM SO ANGRY! Ever since I heard their plans I've been struggling to break free but it's so hard because they keep knocking me out with a weird drug and changed the leather straps for thick metallic ones.

I've never wanted to hurt anyone as badly as I wanted to hurt them! I thought they were helping! But they aren't! I thought that being human meant to be kind, nice and helpful to your own kind and to others! But these people are just trying to modify and enhance whatever virus that they created. I heard them bragging about their creations and talking quite highly of a man named Cyrus apparently he started it all and they admire him. They want to impress him by enhancing this thing and creating their own type of virus.

There were two people that caught my attention because they hated these people too.

I remember when one of them said "You can't keep purposely infecting people like this! And then say your helping!" He disappeared right after that. I'm sad I do not recall his name.

The other person was a man called Jamal. He called me weird for not showing signs of aggression like the others. I liked him a lot because he used to talk to me when everyone left at lights out but one day he disappeared, I never heard or saw him again. I miss him.

Today I am awake again, I begin to struggle again and glare at the guards that stand there by the door. There are always guards standing there whenever one of those lab coated people come here to check in on me. I open my mouth to try to curse them out again but nothing comes out, not even that black like substance that I was coming out before whenever I tried to talk. Now something feels stuck in my throat and it won't come out for whatever reason. Whatever's in my throat slowly keeps rising up my throat with my zombie like noises till I start hurling it on me and one the ground. The guards just looks at me in disgust since this isn't the first day that I've been hurling that black substance it has been awhile since I had done it though.

This time that black substance had some circular shaped objects in it. One guard looks like they're going to faint and the other one looks like his going to puke.

"I can't believe it's our turn to be stuck in here with this smelly thing again! I don't understand why they don't just kill it!" One guard says as he covers his nose and mouth with his arm. The other one still looks away in disgust.

"I'll be right back. I gotta go call this in since for some reason they won't let us in here without our transmitters since it'll damage the equipment that thing is hooked up in."

"But you can't leave me in here alone with this thing!"

"Relax; this thing is completely harmless from this distance. It can't do anything to hurt you plus last time I did the whole shift alone when you went to Barbaras party!"

"Ugh...I guess you're right. Just hurry up and be fast! Got it?"

"Right!" Says the leaving guard. He just presents his badge by the door, a light there turns green and the door opens.

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