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"Hii...hi..hiiii..." My words don't wanna come out, so I try again as he looks at me in confusion and starts to wave at me repeating a hi to me too.

"Hiii...hiidde" Now that came out like a sneeze. I feel something rising in my throat but I swallow it back down since I don't want to freak him out because those are probably bugs I can feel them move around in me every day.

"Hide? Hide from what? Monsters? There aren't that many here and you just killed that one sooo..." he shrugs.

I look at him in concern.

"...waa...waakke...sss...sooonn." I managed to say. I'm so happy with the progress I'm making.

"What do you mean by waaakes sooon? Oh! You mean he'll-" Lewis points at Juggernaut."-wake up soon? But you just killed him!"

I shake my head at him and say "Noo..t..d..ead."

"You're telling me he's not dead!" As he started to ramble I see Juggernaut start twitching, so I grab Lewis by the arm and pull him behind a wall as Juggernaut starts getting up.

"Patty cakes!" I glare at him to be quiet as I make the sign librarians used to make before all this happened. I try pulling him inside the building but he just stops me and points to what he deemed his cane. I shake my head at him to emphasize that he cannot grab it now and he just puts his arm around my shoulders. I am surprised at his actions once again. We hurry and make our way inside the mall again. I take him back to the shack on the second floor where he closes his eyes to rest.

Maybe I should go. I stand up and just as I'm about to leave he whispers out "Please don't go..."

I stand there frozen.

"What's your name? Do you know your name? I can't keep calling you Runner." He says with a chuckle, I just look at him and don't answer since I don't know what to say. I remember a lot of things but unfortunately I don't remember my name or what I did before which sucks if you ask me.

I sit on the ground before answering. "Doo...n't..r...member...."

"You don't remember?" He said in a sad tone. I shake my head.

"You know? The Mob zombies and all the others that I've talked to. Which were only like a couple of ones that I've met don't really remember who they were too." He says with a humorless chuckle.

I stare at him in shock. Is that why he can understand me so well? Because he has met others like me?

"Yes! There are others kinda like you. Not exactly the same with those spider legs but they all have their own unique stuff." He starts twiddling his thumbs.

"They're at a separate building in camp. Do you wanna come with me?" He says more quietly and nervous.

I nod in excitement. This is amazing! I get to meet other people like me! But wait I have to feed my bugs or else they'll start to eat each other like that one time I forgot to feed them. It was chaos.

I had to scold them and now whenever they're hungry they go out to hunt and drag their hunt back to out place and kill and eat it there. Though they stopped now because I told them not to and promised them to bring them something to eat which I always do. I usually bring them a mindless monster like the guy with saw for hands.

I point at myself and say "Doo...some...thing..."

"You want to do something?" I nod and get back up.

"Wait! Are you leaving? I thought you wanted to meet the others?"

"" I said as slowly as I could and my words finally came out without no problem now. I'm so happy!

"Okay! I guess I'll wait unless you want me to come with you?" I shake my head as fast as so could when he said that.

"Okay! Okay! But uhhh can you...please be fast? I don't really like being alone." His words got quieter and quieter when he finished his sentence and I nod.

I run out and jump to the first floor on my spider legs and run out the door to quickly find something to kill and bring back to my bugs.

-----time skip-----

I came back as fast as I could after leaving several monster zombie corpses there and told them that if they got hungry not to eat each other but to go out to hunt and be extra careful. It felt like I was abandoning my children but I know that I'll be back one day.

I'm back here at the mall just as the sun is starting to set and as I get closer to the shack I hear singing. The door to the shack is closed. I knock on it and the person inside stops.


I take a deep breath and say "Ye...esss." Hopefully I'll be able to talk normally soon. All that practice on my way over there in my home and over here must've paid off a bit.

The door opens and I see Lewis holding a lamp motioning me to come in.

"You know? I was hoping someone from camp was going to show up today but no one really did." He sounds so sad.

"I mean I get it! Lyn one of our leaders said that it was a terrible idea to look for supplies in this city because it's so close to that abandoned research facility. Apparently that was one of the many buildings this dumb virus originated from..." He starts laughing.

"Wanna know the funny part? Apparently there's this powerful scary Final Boss type zombie monster there because every time they sent men in to retrive their info they never came back, so ultimately they just gave up. They've been trying so hard to replicate whatever info they had there but it's hard with whatever monsters are there." He smirks. "Hmph...I'm so glad they finally got that karma." Now he starts to cry.

Ever since I came in and sat down I've been staring at him in silence, confusion and fear because his emotions are switching so quickly that I don't really know what to do or say. So I'll just wait for him to finish. Good thing I didn't explore the other floors because I don't think I wanna face this final boss monster zombie he was talking about.

He crawls next to me ignoring his injured leg and puts his head on my shoulder while I just sit there stiffly.

"Tomorrow. Can you help me find a working car for tomorrow? So that we can bring whatever supplies we left here?" I nod but after a moment of silence I decided to speak. ""

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