Friend or Foe

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I can feel his questioning stare but I don't dare make eye contact with him.

"Did you save me?" He repeats again and I just nod. The thought of talking now makes me feel so nervous.

"Umm thanks..." He clears his throat. "Sorry about that, the name's Lewis." He starts coughing and clear his throat again and so just point at the box I brought that him and his people were going to take away and hear him mumble a quick thanks.

I hear him open and go through the box and take some water out. After a moment I hear an "Ahhh that hit the spot, thanks again!"

After a moment of silence he spoke again "Umm are you not going to look at me this whole time?"

I shake my head.

"It's just that I wanted to see who my savior was..." I hear him start moving and notice him on my peripheral vision, he was trying to face me but he winced and sits back down.

"Shit...I think my leg might be kinda busted. At least it's not serious or anything since there are no bones sticking out and my bleeding isn't that bad!"

I smile at his response. He's so positive about this.

"Can you pass me that metal rod over there? I think that will be a not so bad cane if I do say so myself!" He's so confident. At least that's what I've heard the other people say before.

I stretch out and try to give it to him when he suddenly grabs me by the arm and pulls me over to him. He winces in pain when I crash into him.

"Haha... didn't think that one through..." he sounds like he's in pain while I hide my face on his chest. I don't want him to look! I don't want him to see me, fear me and try to kill me! And I don't want to kill him for hurting me! I should leave before that happens!

"Wait a second... are... are you a girl? And here I thought you were a guy! Dang I just lost my bag of Twinkies to Jacob! Lyn did say that betting was a horrible idea."

I quickly stand up while covering my face with my hair and hands and run away as he started rambling.

"Wait!" I hear a crash behind me but I ignore him. I'm trying to make it to the back entrance and immediately stop when I see Juggernaut standing there doing nothing.

I try to move as quietly as I could so that I can avoid a confrontation with him and I'm successful! I'm in an alleyway with the giant spider legs coming out of my back. I slowly start climbing my way up so that I could travel back to my place.

I hear a crash, so I move to see what's happening and don't see Juggernaut there. He's charging at Lewis who looked like he barely dodge his first attack.

I thought Lewis was going to be smart and not make any noise in this place like the others said before! I thought he was going to see the Juggernaut because he's too big and slowly go back inside to hide and wait for his teammates but he didn't do that.

I should do something but... I don't have much time to think it through seeing as Juggernaut is charging at him again, so I move quickly and shove Juggernaut to the side and he goes crashing into the nearest wall making a big hole there.

"What the fuck!? Runner!?" I turn to look at him and look at his shocked fearful face as he stares at me. I guess he realized what I am. I look to the ground in shame of what a I am. I haven't felt like this in a while...

"Runner! Look out!" I immediately look up and see Juggernaut charging at me, so I quickly jump on top of the nearest ceiling. I see Juggernaut hit the wall of the building I was in and the whole building starts to shake and the wall starts to crumble and brake.

I jump on to another building and stay up here since it's safer. I see Juggernaut starting to get bored and he's attention is back at Lewis again. My eyes widen in fear. I jump in front of Lewis I stand taller than Juggernaut thanks to the giant spider legs and he's already pretty tall.

I sway up here as my spider legs move towards Juggernaut charging at him and pushing him again this time I successfully injured him with the spider legs. I managed to stab him in the shoulders and neck. He quickly grabs hold of one of my spider legs and starts to tug, it hurts, so I stab him over and over with the giant spider legs that are coming from my back. I've learned how to control them, now they just feel like normal and painful limbs to me.

I move away from Juggernaut as he lays unmoving on the ground. I have to get out of here before he wakes up again. This guy never seems to die no matter how many times we face each other and I hurt him mortally.

I hear clapping behind me and look at Lewis in fear and shock because for a moment I forgot he was there. I thought he left! He was just clapping while leaning on the wall with the metal rod cane next to him.

" saved me again! Thank you, Runner!"

Hasn't this man considered that I might kill him too. I'm not human! I'm dangerous! Isn't he afraid of me!?Doesn't he want to kill me!?

I walk towards him with my spider legs and stare down at him in confusion as he smiles at me.

"Sooo... umm are you like going to come down now?" Now he sounds nervous.

The sound of crunching and breaking can be heard as the giant spider legs come back into my back. I stand in front of him wary since he's not looking  at me like every other human I've met.

We're just standing there in silence looking at each other. I wanted to tell him to hide because Juggernaut will wake up again but what if my voice doesn't want to come out? I gotta think positively I've been practicing a lot so maybe it isn't going to be that bad.

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