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I make a huge jump thanks to the spider legs coming from out of my back and try to stab the guy breathing fire while I try to land on him but I miss as he suddenly jumped back and tries to spit fire at me.

I quickly jump to the side so that I don't get burned. I'm so thankful for my speed! I learned a long time ago that these spider legs can withstand a lot of things but if you suddenly aim at my human form that's hanging from the spider legs then you'll actually manage to hurt me.

I'm quite fast thanks to these spider legs but this guy is equally fast dodging my every move.

"I didn't think they'd have someone of your strength, caliber..." He looks at the small crater my giant spider legs did. "..and speed here to be honest because those twins were honestly so disappointing." Fire breath guy tells me.

I try hitting stabbing him again, again and again but he's always a step ahead. He manages to burn my spider legs but that doesn't hurt me because he hasn't hurt my body that is connected and swaying each time we fight. I remember there was a time that injuring my spider legs hurt but now it doesn't.

He shakes his head at me. "As much fun that this seems you're never going to hit me because I can see the future for a couple of seconds. So every attack you think of making I'll see because it's definitely going to happen." He laughs at me. "I'm going to to have to put an end to our fun now because you see my superior is expecting me back soon."

I see a smirk in his face as I start to trip. He opens his mouth to burn me! My human-ish body! But as I started falling I opened my mouth to scream that's when I saw his face turn into one of horror as bugs flew out of my mouth and straight to him. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't see this coming because honestly neither did I. They started attacking him.

I make my giant spider legs come back into my back as I start crawling away from that guy because he was screaming, swatting and trying to burn all of the bugs that had come out of my mouth.

I don't really know what type of bugs those are but they're not growing in size like the other ones as they devour that guy. After a while the guy fell to the ground and stopped moving and my bugs flew at me. I close my eyes thinking they're going to attack but some start going up my nose.

I think I understand. They want to come back in my body because that's all they've ever known. Maybe they're used to being in.

I open my mouth and they all come in and the slight hunger I had this morning disappears.

I open my eyes and stare at what used to be a guy because now all that's left there are some bones and very little meat. I guess my bugs were too stuffed to finish everything.

I hear clapping coming from behind me and I think that was Lewis because he did before with Juggernaut but it isn't it's another guy in some red armor.

"I'm impressed I did not think that these people would have someone of your caliber. I wish you were here before this started -" he motions at all the dead bodies he could. "Because we could have made a compromise and worked together." That man looks sad as he speaks but it feels like he's mocking me.

I glare at him and the people in blue armor behind him. The guy in the red armor is one of the few who's not shaking in fear as they face me.

"As my dear friend Blaze said our superior is waiting so we'll have to leave for now." He glared at me. "But we'll be back." He turns to leave, as soon as he turns his back I charge at him and have two of my spider legs come out of my back and try try to stab him but he grabs them and shoves me back.

I stare at him in shock because he suddenly grabbed my sharp spider legs that have pierced everything I stab it into. I noticed that he isn't even bleeding or anything. The man wasn't even wearing any gloves!

"For now you shall know me as Dia." He smiles at me but it isn't very genuine.

His men pack and leave. As Dia mounts his vehicle he turns to wave at me one last time and leaves with his men.

I'm still on the ground looking at the ground in shame because I wasn't here to protect them. I wasn't here to protect the camp...

I wasn't here to protect the camp. If I was still human I'm sure that I would've cried but ever since I turned I haven't.

I hear voices all around me but I ignored them until I felt someone touch me gently on the shoulder.

"Stella; are you okay?" Lewis looks at me with teary eyes but I don't nod.

I shouldn't feel so sad because I didn't know all these people like Lewis and he's still trying to comfort me.

I give him a small smile and nod. I'm suddenly pulled into a hug by him I was about to pull away but I see Aaron over his shoulder shaking his head at me mouthing the words "Don't."

I see Susan approach me with... I don't know what that look is but she wraps her arms around me and Lewis. Lewis starts crying as loud as possible when he sees his sister join in.

I look down at Susan and Lewis because I don't dare look at anyone else because the people from camp that I saw were all looking at me with new fear. People who I considered friends now fear me.

Awhile ago I saw Lyn and Aaron arguing about something when I had looked up but that was before I saw the fear on peoples faces.

After some time had passed Lewis stops hugging me. "Sorry for getting so emotional..." he says to me and his sister.

"You don't need to apologize." Susan tells him.

I nod and as soon as I open my mouth to speak I see Susan flinch and pull Lewis closer to her, I decided to shut it quickly.

He pulls his arm free from his sister and asked me "What were going to say?"

I stay quiet and try make eye contact with his sister but she immediately looks away.

I feel so sad...she's afraid of me...

"My sister isn't afraid of you if that's what you're thinking she's just wary of you."

"He's right." She looks at me. "You've been here for so many months yet you didn't hurt, kill or eat anyone when I saw you. You could've hurt us at any time but you didn't. Though I am curious at what category you'd fall now because you're obviously not a simple Mob monster. You're probably a Boss type zombie."

"What do you mean? She was never a Mob type zombie because I already knew she had giant spider legs coming from out her back."

"Did anybody else know that, Lewis?" She gives him a pointed look.

"Well...now that you mention that...I don't think anybody else here knew. Did I need to say that before?"

"Yes! You idiot! You're always so easy to trust other people! What if she was bad?"

"But she isn't!"

"I know she isn't Lewis but you gotta promise me to be more careful out here in this world."

"Okay, Sue!" He nods and smiles at her.

"You better keep your word Lew!"

I just sit there smiling at their banter.

"You guys better come with me." Aaron says with a serious face.

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